Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Another Year, Another Lemon Cake 

 Regular readers might recall last year's "Ode to a Lemon Cake." Well, I like that lemon cake so much I'll be eating it again this year. I like that cake so much I am going to re-post the Ode. I like that cake so much I took the time to search my computer files to found a photo of the said lemon cake. Envision blueberries balancing on top and swimming around this cake, luscious zesty lemon frosting dripping slowly onto the plate. My day of birth will be spent in a car--seven or eight hours in a car--and in a place far from home, surrounded in the land of legislators. Ah, work--it calls whenever it wants, it respects no day of birth. It doesn't matter....because as I return home, I will have one thing on my mind: homemade lemon cake with blueberries and zesty lemon frosting. 

  And now, I present to you....Ode to a Lemon Cake. 
Thank you, dear wife, for remembering my comment of how I wanted this cake for my birthday. 
Thank you for taking the time to make it. 
Thank you, Phlange-a-slam, for bringing this delicacy into my life. 
 Thank you, Bon Appetit for publishing this gem. 
 Thank you, Abigail-the-recipe-creator, for being born. I dedicate this ode to all of you. Yum! 

Bright little ball of sunshine beaming from the plate tangy yet sweet glaze glimmering, inviting sifted powdered sugar and lemon juice simple beauty, simple elegance. 
How can something so sour be so sweet? 
  Rays of sunshine 
Bites of heaven 
Morsels of love 
My lips pucker with the first sour but sweet bite. 
the tanginess whets my appetite for more I shut my eyes to enjoy every golden mouthful. Cornmeal texture buttermilk delight Lemon peels oozing zest
I am in love with you, Lemon Cornmeal Cake! 
Bright yellow swims in a sea of blue berries bobble on the surface
sauce slo-o-o-owly dripping sauce slowly seeping in sauce 
bringing just the right balance of color, of taste, of texture, of love. 
Called a rustic cake with zing from lemon glaze 
I know you will make a great companion to breakfast, lunch or dinner 
I picture you next to ice cream 
I picture you in my bowl of cereal 
I picture you with whipped cream... 
who dares not love you? 
Lemon Cornmeal Cake such an earthly delight I still love you, 
beans of cocoa but, 
for this moment in time 
for this moment of sunshine
for this glorious mouth-watering moment
lemon outshines the wrapper of a Dove Dark chocolate square 
and I cheat on you. 

 I feel no guilt, no remorse. 

Bright little ball of sunshine beaming from the plate tangy yet sweet simple beauty, simple elegance. 
How can something so sour be so sweet? ******************************************************************

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