Thursday, February 11, 2010

Oh my achin'.......

Only a few more days to vote for a license plate. Feel free to vote more than once--as long as you vote, it's all good.

Yesterday, while I was standing around at work, I noticed that my left hip was really hurting me and that I felt cock-eyed. It's the same leg with the knee that's been bothering me. I figured that my hip must be bothering me b/c I've been favoring my knee. The day went on as usual, only my hip became more pained. I tried to stretch, to sit, to stand, to bend over, to do anything to crack my hip back into place.

Nothing helped. I was crooked.

There was only one course of action: call my beloved lady chiropractor. I set up an appointment for the next day, secretly hoping that my hip would knock it off by the next day.

Well, today is the next day and the pain (if you can call it that) is much worse. Poo. As I'm getting ready to leave, I post my status on Book de la face, indicating I was on my way to see my beloved lady chiropractor, wondering why I was having this problem. Before I could get my coat on, the answer popped up from Cre8tive one, basically reminding me I had stuffed myself into a half-size high school band locker on Saturday night. (Why? you might ask. Why not? I answer.)

Here is the photo of me in the locker. You HAVE to admit it is funny. It was much easier than I thought it would be--I used the "reverse Scary Harry born-thru-the-window" technique and smooshed right in. I had room to spare (well, kinda-sorta). I was quite impressed and entertained by myself. And yes, this is truly a half-sized high school locker in the band room. (We were in the band room reminiscing. What wonderful memories!) It wasn't hard to get out, either--I basically put one foot out and went from there.

I'm not so entertained right now.

So, I hobble in to see MBLC and explain my hip issue. She pokes and prods and asks what I may have done. I tell her I've really been doing nothing--I haven't been walking, running, dancing, jumping, doing strange anything.....

Then, I have to admit that I had stuffed myself into a locker on Saturday night. I mean, how can I NOT admit to this? What if this is indeed the cause of my pain?

Understandably, she BURSTS out laughing.

I cannot prove or disprove that my behavior (antics?) led to my hip issue (which, by the way, has really made my knee issue that much more noticeable). I had an adjustment & some electric stimulation today and will be going back tomorrow. Back to back mornings with MBLC. There are worse ways to start your day. (Who can complain about having electrodes stuck to her butt? Not me.)

I'm thinking that I should send MBLC this photo of me in the locker, just so she can have an even bigger laugh....but, then she'd know I know how to find her on Book de la Face & I might expose the stalker status that I have earned......

In case you are wondering, I would do it again. It was great fun and it was impressive and it got a good laugh. Besides, how many 47 year olds do you know that can say they got hurt stuffing themselves in a locker?

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