Sunday, January 10, 2010

Welcome to the Addi-tar

I went and saw "Avatar"--in "regular" 2D vision yesterday. Then, I went and saw Avatar again today--this time in 3D.

The wife went shopping. Both days.

Here's a picture of me and Lucy all "Na'vi-fied," all ready for Avatar Action on Pandora. I like to think of it as we've been Additar-ed.

Okay, so we look like psychotic, mass murdering smurfs. I'm working only with Microsoft Publisher here, people. Cut me some slack. Besides, Avatars are human minds in an alien body--we look pretty alien here. Damn, I should have made me and Lucy really long as additars, as the Navi are really tall peeps. Tall and really thin. And, blue. I figured out the blue part but not so much the tall part--well, for me....Lucy is naturally tall.

Just think what I could do if I had some fancy photo-shopping kind of software.

I've only made two avatars in my life--once, for a Wii game and one for Ville de la Farm. I think I look better on the farm than in the movie additar above.

Maybe I was born to be on a farm, not on an alien planet.

If you are one of the three people left on the planet who has yet to see the movie (well, besides the wife, who will not be going), I suggest you go see the 3D version. It blew the 2D movie right out of the water. I really didn't think it'd make much of a difference, but I was wrong. For those of you who suffer from vertigo, may I suggest you take Dramamine, although I don't think you'll need it. I thought most of the 3D-ness was about the scenery and peeps, not of flying around like you are on a runaway roller coaster.

BTW, 3D glasses have come light years since the days of the cardboard blue and red plastic "lens," if you could call them that. The 21st century glasses look like cheap Ray-bans. Don't ask me how they work--something about being polarized--all I know is that they work and they fit over my regular glasses, so it's all good.

The reason to go see the movie is not for the story (although there is nothing wrong with the story or symbolism or moral what-not and, in fact, I resonate with the whole premise); it's for the effects. Find the biggest cinema screen around and go. You'll be able to rent this at home, but what's the point of that? This is a film that should be seen as big as possible. If there is an IMAX around, don't just sit there--shell out the money and go see it. If you are going to spend three hours of your life staring at a movie, make it worth it.

I don't know how they made this movie but I do know it's visually intriguing.

I won't talk about the actual movie (plot, theme, story, whatever) because that's in the eye of the beholder and I'm not in the spoiler business. I am a sci-fi geek, loved Lord of the Rings, like anything remotely shamanistic; so, anything I say will be biased toward my interested. (Feel free to talk to me about the story in person, where we can trade thoughts on the Universe, God Force, evil, entitled white Americans, shamanism, politics and/or tree hugging while drinking expensive coffee.) Suffice it to say I liked it enough to Additar myself.

I would like to know how they made this movie; but, then again, I really don't want to know the science behind it. Why lose the magic? It's like going to Universal Studios and seeing how they made "Jaws." In this case, best to leave the unknown unknown.

I smell a sequel in the making......think James Cameron will be calling on my mad additar-ing skills to work on the movie? I think me and Lucy are ready for our cameos....

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