Monday, January 05, 2009

Know Better, Do Better

If there is one thing I have learned about the wife in the three weeks since her hysterectomy, it's that she is a TV reality show junkie. Every time I take a peek to make sure she's doing okay, I see she is watching yet another reality show. Tonight, it's been "Rock of Love--the Bus Tour" and "Double Shot at Love."

When I ask what she is watching, she says, "A trainwreck!"

You already know she loves the Little People and she's all about that Jon & Kate with their eight. But, "Double Shot at Love?" Ouch! Won't that stunt her healing???

Speaking of healing, she is healing quite nicely; in fact, I still cannot get over at how awesome that incision of hers really is. The biggest problem she has right now is that her belly itches. Dry skin, healing skin, stretching skin, shaved skin equal itchy. I handed her a tube of hydrocortisone cream and wished her luck.

Thankfully, the wife is able to do little things around the house now. Hear that sound? That's my soft little weeping of thanks. I am so not cut out to do this stuff. Give me a computer, a cell phone and some chocolate and I'm all good.

The other day the wife was marveling aloud about how wonderful our friends and family are and how she never realized many things in life before this surgery. For instance, she had never thought about what it might mean to have a hysterectomy and limiting this is for people and how having helpful friends would be incredibly amazing. She announced that now she knows better, so she will do better. She will "do" something for friends who need help, who have had surgery, who might be needing a little shoulder to lean, who might need a bowl of soup or a load of wash washed. "Know better, do better!" she exclaims repeatedly.

Of course, such does NOT apply to TV reality shows. She knows better but she has no intention of doing better when it comes to Celebrity Rehab or Keeping Up with the Kardashians. All aboard the Rock of Love bus! (The Blue bus, not the Pink bus, of course.)

I have to go now, I hear the wife laughing as there is a girl fight on TV and I'm afraid she'll burst an internal stitch...

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