Friday, September 12, 2008


Ah, that is indeed Nancy, queen of cartoons. She has nothing to do with anything except that she is part of my drawing on the plastic tablecloth (as described in previous blog). Who didn't love Nancy? (That sounds like a funny question coming from the likes of me.) When the wife saw the drawing, she smiled and exclaimed, "I loved Nancy!" So, why not Nancy on a Friday afternoon? 

I am having real issues without using all the S.P. fodder in the world. That would be Sarah....Sarah......NO! I MUST refrain! In true Harry Potter fashion, perhaps I should refer to her as "She who must not be named." It's painfully impossible NOT to talk about her, as she is on the news and all over the Internet, especially in all those emails that come my way. I even had She who must not be named "thrown" at me on Facebook this week (which I loved, thank you very much; now if I could only figure out this whole Facebook thing so I can bitchslap Merry Marketing). 

Of no significant or redeeming value, a recap of the Addiverse Antics this week:
  • the grrrrlz got groomed today. We were worried because the "not so talented doesn't cut the pee pee hair" groomer was there today. Thankfully, the dogs looked okay and the pee pee problem seemed a bit less concerning--I suppose the more you practice, the better you get (like in almost everything else, except for me when bowling). Do you know that a clean dog pee pee is very important in the Addiverse? Well, if you didn't, you now know. (Don't you go looking at my dogs' pee pees now. I know you want to. Look at my pow-pow Jillian butt instead.) It costs $80 to get those dogs looking good--they best have clean pee pees for that much money. That is more than I pay for a haircut and that is wrong in so many ways.
  • Master Reiki got her stitches out today. I hear it didn't go very swimmingly, but I am glad to report she is safely back at home. Now comes the hard part--the therapy... not the physical kind but the emotional kind. As a counselor, I realize this will be very, very hard. Keep the faith, Master Reiki!
  • MJagger's bat infestation seems to have ended and the rabies vaccinations are going along without incident (except for the screaming from the children but that is to be expected). I didn't see her all week but her text messages suggest she and the family are hanging in there.
  • The tablecloth artwork for the work shindig is progressing nicely and I still have a few brain cells left (of which I cherish, as there aren't many left after all that college-ing). I've been trying to find patriotic things to portray in the drawing (hence the Nancy, although I'm not sure she qualifies as patriotic) and a few days back found a photo of the three firemen hoisting the flag in the rubble at the 9/11 site (see the photo included here--it's a wonderful photo of a patriotic act from a very horrific event). I saved the photo in case I thought it would come in handy. So, yesterday, I'm out in the garage ready to draw and totally without thinking, print out this photo and draw the fireman on the right. As I am coloring him in, I realize with a shudder that I am drawing this on the actual day of 9/11. Gave me pause. The tablecloth drawing doesn't do justice to the actual photo or the event but I'm good with it and what it represents. It IS a tablecloth, after all. As 9/11 was then on my mind, I talked to some of our clients today about the actual events of 9/11. I think the thing that stands out the most for me was after the event--at night. We were walking the dogs and it was absolutely, completely silent. Not only the neighborhood--the sky was completely still and silent. I looked up to the sky--as I always do when walking the dogs (which can be a very dangerous thing as it is easy to walk into things such as parked cars) and noticed that there was not one plane to be seen. Not one. Most people who live in our town would never notice this, but I did. I grew up in the landing pattern of O'Hare for pete's sake, so I am used to seeing and hearing planes. I like seeing and hearing planes. But, there was nothing. I knew at that exact moment in the walk that I would never, ever forget that night's specific memory (not that any one of us could forget that day or what we were doing when we heard the news and saw the television images).
  • The wife lived through Brett Favre playing for the Jets on Sunday, but I don't think it's getting much easier yet.
  • And finally, the 80's party. If I used my best judgement (or any judgment), I wouldn't publish this photo, but it's too funny not to do. This mess is brought to you by the Bruce Springsteen-Van wearing-Olivia Netwon John bandana styling-Boone's Farm consuming- bleached jeans-cross earring-Flock of Seagull hair wearing fashions of the 1980's. It's hard work to look this ugly and this is not a photo I am particularly proud of, but it does indeed show my enthusiasm for theme parties and for my passion regarding the 1980's. Man, I can still smell the bleach from the pants--I think I burned some nose hairs out while bleaching those puppies. (Why DID we do that in the 80's, anyways?) That is a genuine Bruce Springsteen T-shirt from his 1980 tour--went to that one with Roller Skating Robert (who is probably living in Wisconsin bagging groceries). The Boone's Farm is real AND it costs the same as it did in 1983!!! (Probably the last time I drank Boone's Farm was indeed in 1983.) I want you to know I was giggling out loud when I made that purchase. I think the Liquor Lady thought I was seriously warped when buying this and she did not seem in the least bit interested to hear about my reasoning for buying such an awful product. The wife seemed very excited about the purchased and experienced many a flashback to Boone Farm Days, which should scare us more than the photo above scares us. Thankfully, we left the party before they started passing the bottle around, as I am not sure the wife could have passed up the opportunity to once again relive the Boone Farm glory days. I am sad to say that my Flock of Seagulls hair was basically a flop during the party, but once I got home, my hair was rockin' the wave and looked much more like the real thing. Sigh.
Well, TGIF blog readers! And may She who must not be named be with you.

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