Road Trip Part II: Deep in the Heart of Texas
Just so there's no confusion on where I am, let me say it's green and lush and warm. Everything is in bloom. I include these two photos for those of you who are in Illinois freezing your asses off right now. Mean? You know it! Will it help you to know that my allergies are really bothering me at this point? I didn't think so. The view above is from Alice in Wonderland's sister's apartment. We'll call the sister Lily pad. Poor Lily pad is in the hospital after a bizarre wheelchair accident that left her with broken bones . More on her later. Below is the current view from my hotel room, generously provided by GC Black toes (the room, that is--the view is thanks to Texas): 
Below: Finally! Blue skies!
View from the windshield: Texas. Much better than yesterday. Why, look! There's the Texas state line. A beautiful thing. No rain, no clouds, no storms. Only a few hours in the van. GC Black Toes didn't let me drive today. I swear I didn't drive on the sidewalks or anything yesterday. There were no instances of near death (that I noticed, anyways).....
So, THAT'S what a Sonic looks like! They show all those stupid Sonic commercials where we live but there's not a Sonic for like 500 miles. I walked over to see the thing up close and personal but didn't end up buying anything. Instead, I purchased a Godiva Dark Chocolate Mocha beverage, chock full of sugar, caffeine and calories. Rockin'!
When in Texas, make sure to Polka.
Above: Proof I am in Dallas--the Dallas Morning News, not that you needed proof.
Below: thank god GC Black Toes & Alice in Wonderland didn't try to fly to Texas. American Airlines, whose home is Dallas, canceled 570 or so of their flights today. Yikes! I love the headline below: "Experts: Don't have to fly? Don't." I know it's good they grounded the planes (300 of the MD-80s were grounded today and it's always good when planes are grounded for safety reasons) but it really sucks if you're trying to travel. I did notice earlier today (when in Lily Pad's hospital room, overlooking the Dallas-Fort Worth area from a distance), that I didn't see many airplanes taking off or landing. Now I know why!

Yeah, that's my shoe in the lower right of the photo. I had to step on the paper to get the picture.

I'll add stories later....but, for now, I leave you with the view from my hotel room, away from the pool. Ah, think of me while you are swearing at that snow, won't you?!!!
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