Today is a day of leisure for me, as GC Black Toes is visiting with his aunt and uncle and I'm free to be a bum. My allergies are in overdrive, so I'm seeing Texas through blurry eyes and sneezy nose. I know, you have no sympathy if you are reading this from the Midwest, where it is snowing in April.
You know, it's really weird writing a blog because if you start reading the Road trip entries today, you read them 'backwards;' you know, you are starting with the third day, going to the second day and then scrolling down to the first day. These are the things that keep me up at night.

GC Black Toes dropped me off at the mall. He didn't want to do it and was very worried about me. He is such a chivalry-filled man. I knew I could eat my way through the mall and wasn't worried one bit. I stopped at McDonald's and got some chocolate chip cookies, purchased a candy bar, two books, one magazine and one puzzle book at Borders, ate a sandwich and drank a smoothie at the food other words, it is a perfect day at the mall! I tried on a bathing suit but it was a no go. At least I tried something on. I even enjoyed a "Dillard's" siting. We don't have any of those in northern Illinois, either. Here are my purchases:
Well, getting home from the mall was a bit more exciting than getting there. It's about 4.5 miles from our hotel. I figured I'd take the hotel shuttle back, so when I was done with my adventures, I called for a ride. Good news is that the hotel does indeed shuttle people to and from the mall. Bad news is that there was no shuttle driver today. So much for that. My next attempt was to take the city bus. Great! There are all these bus stops. But, I am here to tell you, I never once saw a bus. It was a bad flashback to when the wife and I were in Long Beach and I had locked the keys in the trunk and we had to walk SEVEN friggin' miles in our beach attire and we never once saw a bus on that bus route during those seven miles. I decided to start walking instead of standing on a bus stop. After all, 4.5 miles isn't ridiculous and it is a very pretty day. Besides, the route was via very pretty subdivisions. Well, I got about 4 miles and never saw a bus. Instead, I was picked up by GC Black Toes and toted the rest of the way back to the hotel. My hero!
The rest of today will be spent reading books, napping, thinking about Madonna and eating Oreo cookies. I figure I have to keep up my stamina so I best keep eating junk food. GC Black Toes will be back later and we'll go out to dinner with his mama. We'll be on the road early tomorrow A.M. so I must enjoy my leisure right now! (Or, as they say on Seinfield, "SERENITY NOW!")
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