Friday, March 21, 2008

Be Careful.....

First of all, Happy Good Friday. (That seems wrong--I mean, there's Jesus, hanging on a cross and we're calling it "good." I know, I know--it's good because he died for our sins. I still think it should be called "Oh-my-God-Friday" or something.)

Second of all, Happy Easter! Here's to eating copious amounts of Dove Dark Chocolate Bunnies. (And, of course, a shout out to the now-risen Jesus, who is no longer hanging on a cross, which to me means it should be "Good Easter.")

Finally, be careful for what you ask....When I made my vision board a few weeks back, I had found this funny photo of senior citizens getting tattoos ("Really Old School") and thus included in on the vision board. (I tried to illustrate above where this is on the vision board. It's tough to see but if you look closely, you can see what I'm talking about. Please note the med pill strip with the tattooed snake around it. Classic!) Well, I had put it on the vision board for many reasons: (1) because it made me laugh; (2) because I wanted to make sure I could envision my tattoos when I got old and crusty; and (3) as a means of making sure I keep getting tattoos along the way, even when I am eighty years old. (Apologies to the wife, who basically HATES my tattoos.)

But, I got something else: I got my tattooed-self placed in an employment opportunity working with senior citizens.

Ummmm......Hello, Universe? That is not exactly what I had anticipated....

.....but it is technically what I asked, I must admit.

I guess it really is true you should always be careful for what you ask.

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