Monday, December 31, 2007

Hasta La Vista, 2007

Some of you are watching the ball drop in Times Square.
Some of you are at the "The Night of 1000 Beavers."
Some of you are playing board games with MJagger's family.
Some of you are spreading cheeseballs across the nation.

Me? I'm sitting on the couch because I'm sick.

.......better make that "The Night of 999 Beavers."

Oh, it's just a cold so don't
get your undies in a bundle. But, you know what it's like to have the first day or two of a cold. It sucks. Your head hurts, your throat hurts, your body hurts, you can't think, you're dizzy and crabby and cold. (Don't worry: I subscribe to the motto of "Feed a Fever, Feed a Cold," so I can eat just fine--in fact, I've had a bag of McDonald's cookies and Hagaan Daz Ice cream along with three meals, so I am not having any problems in the eating department....unlike Master Reiki and Blue Eyes, who are still spewing things out of their orphaces due to the flu.)

The wife has gone a-partying,
stopping first next door to the north of our house to visit the neighbors (who invited us over while the wife was outside shoveling). The wife will then go to the "The Night of 999 Beavers" party to the south of our house. I will sit on the couch and be crabby about it, just shy of having a pity party. (I say just shy because I'm too sick and crabby to expend that much energy to have a full pity party.)

Being home alone, pitiful and clogged, gives me plenty of time to fix my iPod/iTunes snafus (like re-recording all my Madonna CD's. Somehow, my iTunes "ate" my Madonna songs. What's up with that?). I have lots of catching up to do with the iPod and that doesn't take a lot of energy (although I will have to go out to the car to get my Madonna "Confessions on a Dance Floor" CD). Listening to Madonna makes me feel better, anyway. Makes me think of all that money MJagger and I spent to see her in concert.....

As there isn't much to do as CDs are sucked into the computer/iTunes, I thought I'd look back on the year and reminisce. Let's see....what happened?

Well, I DID meet Lucy Lawless and went to a Xena Convention...

Okay. Enough said. I mean, what could be better? (Um, I am not going to answer that. I am having a visual....either that or it's a visual hallucination from the cold medication.)

I could write a whole 'lot more about 2007, but that would be a waste of can just scroll thru all the blog entries for the year and catch up better than I could ever do in one germy-cold-funk....

......Okay, okay, so here are a few pictures of a few memories of 2007: I got to watch the Sausages race at Miller Park twice this year; I got to watch the Knights of Columbus process by while serving as my niece's confirmation sponsor; I got some Jackie Warner hair.

Other photos include of "The Compound" at Lake Redstone (home of the Pleurisy Birth); Gay Pride in Chicago; Twirling around Great America with Sister and Nieces. No, I am NOT on the rollercoaster...but the wife and nieces are. (I was on the ground having a cold bottle of water, thank you very much.)

I am ending the year by getting a new job. I'll tell you more about that later but I'll have to kill you if I tell you any more right now. It's top secret. (ha ha. you think I'd put something top secret in this blog? You're killing me!) Same employer, different job. We'll see how it goes.
Might as well go out of 2007 with a bang.

So, happy new year to you. Say hi to the Times Square Ball for me. I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:56 AM

    YOU MET LUCY LAWLESS?!?!?!? Ahem, sorry. I'm envious. lol

    Happy new year, by the way :)
