Sunday, October 07, 2007

More Conference babbling

Okay, so neither of us can sleep, despite it being a Sunday morning with nothing to specifically do until Noon. Thus, I find myself taking advantage of my internet time (hey, I had to pay to use it--might as well get my monies' worth.)

Note to the wife: Told ya the Cubs would fall apart.

Note to runners in the Chicago Marathon today: HYDRATE! It's gonna be record temps.

Note to other Xeniphiles: HYDRATE! It's gonna be another energy-sucking day.

Note to wife: We are going to IHOP for breakfast! YEAH! (The wife is NOT an IHOP fan.)

Note to Lucy: Love the chaps! I'm sure they looked great in concert. But, I'm still not a big fan of your new career. Go out and be in movies--skip the singing! (Well, a Broadway musical would be okay, but otherwise....)

Random thoughts and snippets I missed yesterday:

Lucy started her part of the "show" by telling us how her makeup compact basically blew up in the car when she was trying to put a little powder on (during her trip to the convention). Well, big puffs of powder unfortunately sailed to her (as she called it) crotch area. She went on to say that every seat she sat in during her Green Room stay now had imprints of her ass. Lucy tried to get the powder off her "good pants," as she called them (yes, the chaps) but as she was unable to get all the powder off, she had Renee basically wipe her "arse!" You had to be there to truly enjoy the story....I think Lucy was the most entertained by the story...she was doing what MJagger would call the "Muppet Laugh."

Joxer, aka Ted Raimi, wears sunglasses when walking through the hallway in the hotel room. He looked like poo--tired. He was friendly to the lady from Dearborn as he, too is from Michigan. (That's the lady with the beautiful eyes, per Lucy Lawless.) He does not sign autographs. (He needs to hang out with Lucy and Renee more--be nice to your fans! Ah well, he's been in some big name movies; I suppose he doesn't have to be nice any more.)

Some fans are just ridiculous in their spending of money. Now, you may be laughing to hear me say this, but I am here to tell you that some people were spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on collectibles. I have oodles of collectibles but I kept my hands down during the convention auctions. The wildest I have gotten (well, besides shelling out all that money to be here and to buy photo ops with Lucy and Ted) was buying an autographed photo of one of the actresses (for my scrapbook, of course) and purchasing time on the Internet ($9.95 for the stay). One lady purchased two wall sized banners from the conference--well, her obviously very rich mother purchased them. I couldn't figure this out as the lady looked NOTHING like anyone who would want anything Xena related. She was in this long, normal "I'm dripping with Money" dress and she did not in any way look like the 90% of the mullet wearing "sisters," as Lucy called us. I'm guessing a lot of this stuff will show up on eBay. It was SOOOOOO hard to pass up the autographed Xena dolls......

Adrienne Wilkinson is a tiny little thing--meaning, she does not look anything like her character, "Livia, Bitch of Rome."

I'm going with the Jackie Warner hair today. I was very modest in the hair department yesterday. NO MORE! I shall look fabulous for my Ted Raimi photo. As long as we stay inside, I'll be okay. The humidity outside is like four billion percent. Note to wife: I bet the dew point is like 80 degrees.

Enough! We're off to IHOP and then to more basking in the Xenaverse. Only one more auction to get through without buying ridiculous amounts of Xena crap.....

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