Friday, October 12, 2007

Back to reality....

Now that the Chicago Xena Convention has come and gone and now that I've managed to piss off every mullet-wearing lesbian, Ted Raimi-loving fan and/or every Lucy Lawless sing-career-supporter, I'm left with little to write and less readers to read it. I always thought my fan base was like three people, but judging from the outcry over my opinionated dribble, I'm guessing I have at least ten or eleven readers. Go figure!
So, I graciously apologize for those I have offended (although I am not so apologetic to go back and edit my postings) and thank those that still find me funny. I think I'm funny. I entertain myself for days. (This may or may not be a sign of good mental health.)

Ah, the holiday. Halloween, that is. Why, here's a leftover from the Star Trek Convention last week....crossed over from the Stars Wars genre. Speaking of this holiday, I'm not sure what to "be" this year. Only a few more
planning days and it will be too late to be very creative.....

As for the upcoming week, I'll be on vacation. No reason....just because it seemed the thing to do. Last time I took a vacation with nothing planned--in July--I got pleurisy, so I'm hoping this week in October goes better than that week in July. I plan on completing my Xena Warrior Princess Creative Memories Scrapbook by placing the conference photos in the remaining pages; I plan on thinking about losing these damned pleurisy pounds (which, by the way, have left me with only ONE pair of pants that fit without leaving me in squeezy, screaming pain) and preparing for the Love Loft scheduled for this
weekend (which will ruin any plans of losing any pleurisy pounds).

Being the equal opportunity pet person that I am, here is a kitty in halloween garb. As I've pissed off so many people, I find it necessary to appease the cat lovers in the Addiverse..... (I get these photos in those dreaded forwarded emails--you don't think I have a cat, do you? I sneeze just looking at this photo.) I love this photo of the Hogwarts Kitty. I'd dress Freckles and Lucy up in this manner, but they would just stand there and look really irritated.....

Finally, a note to Dave Ramsey, financial guru:

Dear Dave,

I'm super sorry I didn't listen to you about spending money when money is not actually available. I really, really wanted to listen, but Xena was calling and car parts were falling off and the dogs needed their annual physical and shots and the children needed to be saved and my hair really DID need to be dyed (look how good it looked in the Lucy photo! Thanks, Harry!) so please don't be too hard on me when the credit card bills arrive in the mail. Also, could you call the wife so she understands this, too? I still plan on being debt free by January 31, 2008 but it's looking a little harried at the moment and I haven't quite figured out how this is exactly going to happen with these sordid financial detours. Any financial donations or offer of job opportunity will be appreciated. I'd ask for donations from the mullet-wearing lesbians, but I don't think I'm on their "donate to a good cause" list right now. Thanks for your help and understanding.

In your financial prowess we trust,
Addi Warrior Princess

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