I was talking to my favorite hair stylist yesterday (Harry, god love her) while getting my hair "did" and the topic of the Xena convention came up. Of course, I am the one that brought it up (how would she know that I am a Xena stalker?) during our usual hair-cutting conversation. (I should say "hair styling" as she does much more than just cut my hair. It's tough to look like Jackie Warner without much effort and skill.) I am lucky Harry didn't lop off an ear during this discussion. I'm not sure if she was horrified, thoroughly entertained, stunned or amazed by my willingness to pay big money to hang out with a bunch of stars from a long- canceled show. We had some pretty good laughs about this and snorted a time or two from laughing about how I could go to the Xena convention AND the Star Trek convention on the same date and the same time. Harry did not seemed surprised that I would be going to this event alone, as she wasn't sure I'd be able to find someone who would like to enjoy me in this endeavor.
Well, we were both WRONG!
I get home (with my rocking hair do) and there is a message on the answering machine from a friend...a friend who happens to be almost as obsessed about Xena as I am. I shall call her Argo Warrior Princess for the purposes this blog. Wait--Argo WP went to New Zealand TWICE and brought me sand back from the place where many of the Xena scenes were shot--so she MAY be a bigger Xena nerd than I am (but not by much). Wait--she's been to TWO Xena conferences and I've only been to one....she may truly be a bigger fan than me. Who woulda thunk that possible? Anyway, this friend and I (and the wife and an unsuspecting partner) went to a Xena convention in Minneapolis many, many years ago (like 8 or ten years ago) and had seen a few of the lesser-known stars (read: Not Lucy or Renee). Nonetheless, I didn't think she'd be interested in going to the Chicago conference but there she was, on my answering machine, professing her interest in going.
I have found my people!!!

I hang up and call the hotel, asking for their best available price for the weekend. They cough up some number much higher than what was posted for the Xena convention. This means I will now have to ask for the "Xena rate." For some reason, this gives me a momentary flash of embarrassment. I mean, I am going to a Xena convention, for cry eye--what the hell is embarrassing about asking for the Xena rate? "Um, I am wondering about the rooms reserved for the....Xena convention that weekend." I then mutter something about being embarrassed about asking for this and the man quickly responds with an, "Oh no! Don't be embarrassed! That's only $129.00 for the night!" Bingo! Xena saves us much dinero. We have a quick chat about the conference and about the Star Trek convention that will also be there. I decide this guy is as big a nerd as I am. More of my peeps.
Now, it's time to start preparing for the actual convention. Argo WP and I have a lot of episode-watching to do. After all, you can't go to the convention of a life time without being up-to-date on the show's trivia and episodes. I'll have to get going on my Xena scrapbook and I'll have to search Ebay for something appropriate to wear. (No, I will NOT be dressing up as Xena, but I DO want to wear something Xena-themed, like a T-shirt. No leather for moi.) I'll have to start saving pennies for all the incidental costs associated with this blessed event. I am all a-tingle with excitement. Maybe Argo Warrior Princess and I can get matching t-shirts....
Only 46 or so more days to go......
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