Well, it certainly has been busy in the Addiverse. I hate to whine--no, wait, I love to whine--so, let me whine a bit about how it's been so hectic that I haven't had time to write much and my brain cells are too pooped to pop and the wife has been out of town and that means I have to do all sorts of things I never have to do (damn, I had to change the dog bowl water more times than I could have every imagined), so I thought I'd illustrate activities via photo journalism....
So, what happened yesterday in the Addiverse?
Time to get up! Here's Freckles doing her morning stretch. Truly the meaning of "down dog."
Do a little yoga....here's Lucy doing a new yoga pose while Freckles really concentrates on her pre-cobra pose.....ooommmmmm!
Don't step on the grout. Here's how I set up the bathroom so I can remember what tile has the new grout--I marked it with a toilet paper roll. And, the gate is up not only as a second reminder not to step on the grout but also to keep the dogs out....
Next, I drink and drive. Literally.
Here I am taking a photo WHILE driving while drinking Dunkin' Donuts coffee.
Children: do not try this at home.
I'm driving down Forest Hills Road while drinking, driving and taking photos on my way to work. No one was maimed or injured during this commute.
Below: Spill things on myself. I am telling you, I should buy stock in Tide Stain Sticks. Every "Life is Good" t-shirt I own has some type of stain on it from things "jumping onto" me. Ink marks, food, grease, cleaning products, paint, black gook running out of heated golf club handles, etc. Ugh! These stains from the day are chocolate, BK Veggie grease and dust spray from cleaning at work.
Come home from work and visit the new puppy next door:
I told you she was a cutie pie! Here she is smiling because (1) she's friendly and (2) Lucy is nowhere in site and that means the puppy can remain happy. Ah, there is nothing like puppy breath to help make any day delightful. Really. If you are having a bad day, go find a puppy and let it lick your face. Ahhhhhh! Puppy breath! Makes me pine for the days of having a puppy.
Well, maybe not the potty training part or the whining all night part but the playful, puppy breath part.
Take some leisure time to read about poop:
Go to bed. The end.
P.S. Freckles and Lucy say, "Hope you are feeling better, Mr. Piddles."
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