The Addiverse has been such a blur with so much action that I don't know where to, I'll start with last night's wedding reception. The wife and I traveled to the Chicago Suburbs to attend what we mistakenly thought would be just another nice wedding reception, complete with a "Chicken Dance" and a few drunken groom's men. It was one of my long lost cousins getting married and although I don't really know him, it sounded like a good time.
I have three words to say about this wedding reception:
(I know it's not nice to take the Lord's name in vain, but even he was thinking "what the heck are these two doing? You could buy a house for what this is costing you.")
The couple had reserved the hotel lobby for a two-hour social event, complete with open martini bar and string quartet. Waitstaff wandered through the crowd offering tasty morsels of what appeared to be very complicated, expensive "horse dervies." The liquor was flowing, the music was wafting....when in bounds Bucky Badger!
Once Bucky was calmed and the manager was sedated, the festivities continued. As for the reception, here's a few photos to illustrate the ostentatious display from the Godiva-dipped bionic strawberries at the front door to the fireworks over the bride. I was all about those strawberries. I was knocking people down to get at a few extra of those. The groom's sister said, "please eat them--they cost $5.00 each!" What could I do but oblige this request?
You thought I was kidding about the fireworks? Hey, if I'm not kidding about Bucky, you know I'm not kidding about the 15 minutes of Fourth-of-July-caliber fireworks. I'm thinking I should have taken some time to get to know this cousin!
The reception was held in what was a "tent." Well, it really wasn't a tent but it was made to make look like one and it would be the most air-conditioned tent in the free world. I'm not sure why you'd make a reception hall look like a tent when it's not really a tent but whatever. It was freezing in that there tent. Good for wild dancing--bad for freezy people in sleeveless dress clothes.
Here's a little view of the head table from our table--that's a fountain right outside the "tent."
The table was complete with butterballs, fancy flowers & edible foilage. The meal was two hour long and the wife said her filet was so tender it melted in her mouth. I was all about the butter balls. I never thought about making butter balls before, so I think I might try it with my "Smart Butter" some time this week.
I must admit, the highlight of the bash for me (besides Bucky Badger--that was OVER THE TOP cool) was Youngest Niece's unveiling of her first softball injury--a bruised thigh, complete with the stitching marks of the softball branded on her leg. The wife and I were so proud! It hampered her dancing a bit but she was able to dance without limping, so it was all good. You go, girl! The Rockford Thunder may be looking for another player in ten years....
I randomly found your posting thanks to a google search. Any chance that you know how they got Bucky at the wedding? I'm hoping to surprise my fiancee with this at our wedding, but I cannot seem to find the correct contact info for it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for any help you can give!
PS This posting is great!