.,....11 PM on a quiet evening in the Addiverse..... The wife's been feeling mighty sick, so she went to bed early--like 6 PM early-- and left me to my own devices. After staring mindlessly at the Television for four hours nonstop (not even to blink), I decide to call it a night. In an effort to let the wife have some peace and quiet during her sickdom, the dogs and I decide to sleep on the couch (thus, letting her sleep uninterrupted by Lucy's gross licking all night). (By the way, why I sleep on the couch when we have two other full sized beds is a mystery to me......) I lay down on the couch, Lucy sitting on my chest licking my face whenever I shut my eyes to go to sleep, Freckles propped between my ankles, enjoying the pile of blankets I can no longer use because she is on top of them. We are just about to go to sleep when Lucy decides she MUST go potty RIGHT NOW! This is unusal for her--it's usually Freckles who decides a midnight pee is fun. So, I open the front door to throw her out and what do I find but this:
C H E E S E B A L L S !
Not ANY cheeseballs, but Neighbor-by-the-boatload cheeseballs! I mean, this is the most cheeseballs I've ever seen in one container! Even the dogs are astounded by this giant bucket of cheese:
Lucy: HEY! Where'd these come from? I LOVE CHEESEBALLS!
Freckles: Isn't it time for bed yet?
Lucy: Are you eyeing my cheeseballs? Step away from my cheeseballs!
Freckles: I'm going to bed.
Lucy: I'm astounded!
Freckles :Well, okay--I'll take a sniff.
Lucy: Oh, what orgasmic puffs of gold!
...I keep laughing. Who could ever have better neighbors than our neighbors? No one! (Well, unless they were neighbors leaving handfuls of $100 bills on the stoop out front--that would be better but not half as funny.)
(Ya know, I hope you read the previous blog entry about the cheeseballs before reading this entry or else you will be sitting there thinking, what IS up with this lady and the cheeseballs?)
I left the cheeseballs on the kitchen counter for the wife to see when she got up in the AM, but she was still feeling so sick she didn't even see the giant pile of orange on the, that's sick. (She never gets sick. Well, okay she sometimes gets sick but not very often. When she does get sick, she really gets sick. So sick she is blind to giant cheeseball tubs on the counter.) I point out the cheeseballs and she bursts out in laughter. She may be sick but she still has a sense of humor.....
In addition to a tub of golden delights on the doorstep, I was also presetned with a Xena Warrior Princess lunchbox from my coworkers, as illustrated above. Woo Woo! The Addiverse is all a-glow. I have been looking for one of these things for years! So, now I can put my cheeseballs IN my Xena lunchbox.
Is life good or what?
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