Wednesday, October 25, 2006

My hands are bananas..... (click on this link)

...and my preacher has gas... (click on this link)

...time to sign up for Xena Fan Club #12:

Sorry I've been away for awhile. I've been busy chasing slugs, scraping mildew, gaining weight, limping, spending too much time on and saving money to get my latest Xena Fan Club kit. Then, there are the layoffs, the bypass surgery, the broken glasses, the peer walking off the job (literally), the probable pregnancy, the reassignments at work, the problematic Morton's toe.

(Not bypass surgery for me--for the CEO. Not my pregnancy: a peer's probable pregnancy. Don't get your undies in a bundle. Why, you ask, do these things have any bearing on my life? Trust me, you don't want to hear that dribbly story. Suffice it to say that it has major impact. I'm sure I'll whine about it later.)

It's been just plain weird around here. Even the wife has been saying it's weird. If the dogs could talk, I'm sure they'd vote for weird. That's why I HAD to post those two links above. It's stress reducing to sing about having bananas for hands and to listen to the farting preacher.

Even Elmo thinks it's been really weird around here.....

Side Note: Sully and Mike are included at the top of this entry because MJagger is having a hell of a time getting her 3 year old daughter to go to bed at night. See, there are monsters in her closet. And, anyone knows you cannot go to bed if there are monsters right in the room. Moreso, everyone knows that it is very hard to convince a 3 year old there is NOT a monster in the closet. (Moral of the story: do not let 3 year olds watch "Monster Inc.")

Weird? Hey, my hands aren't bananas.....but someone's are...and besidess, some have hanger hands..... (click here if you really wanna see weird on a local level!!

Final words: I have two words for you--EMMITT SMITH. That's my man! I'm going to write him in for Governor of Illinois. I am going to vote for him til the dancing is done. I'm going to write in Jerry Springer for Lieutenant Governor. (If you haven't been watching "Dancing with the Stars," don't even speak to me. Go get some banana hands, you naughty tidbit!) Who woulda thunk Jerry Springer would be so delightful on that show? So delightful in general? Brings a tear to the wife's eyes.....SMITH/SPRINGER--Making Illinois Dance.
THAT would be weird, indeed.

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