Thanks to our friends Ms. UConn, Ms. Tennesse & Patty Party Pecs, the wife, Wild Mama and I had a chance to go to a women's professional basketball game last week. We had no idea what to expect--heck, we wouldn't have known Chicago even had a women's WNBA team if our friends didn't keep us in the know. We just hopped in the car, followed the very specific driving and parking directions provided by our friends and showed up as scheduled. (Actually, we got there an hour early--better early than on time, I say.). Our friends are very, very generous--they have season tickets and knew they would be out of town for this game, so they gave us their tickets and even their parking voucher. (Their nicknames for this blog represent their love of women's basketball...well, of UConn and Tennessee. The party pec thing has nothing to do with basketball but is a good nickname...trust me on this.) We thank them for the generocity and for the fun that was had. (They were having fun in Oklahoma City, watching the college world series of Softball. Are these sporty kind of gals or what? Happy Birthday, by the way, Ms. Party Pecs.)
The team is called the Chicago Sky and their logo features the skyline of Chicago. I thought that was pretty clever, but I wasn't very enthralled by the t-shirts they had for sale--I'm not big on baby blue and yellow is just not my color. Nonetheless, we ventured toward the arena, giddy with anticipation (or, maybe that was hunger--I'm not sure). We saw where the players park their cars--in the same garage as us!--and, being the nerd that I am, I snapped a few photos (is it illegal to post photos of peoples' license plates? I hope not...):

Pretty schnazzy, eh? A BMW hoop lover and a Lexus Chicago WNBA player. We were impressed.
The best part about the game is that it is an EVENT, not just a game. That's good because we really don't know a lot about basketball. (Well, the wife knows a lot but Wild Mama and I are not well versed in the sport.) There are contests and freebies and entertainment and spirit sticks and food and music and dancing...who needs the game when you have all this other stuff going on?!! Wild Mama was lucky, as the lady seated next to her knew a whole lot about basketball and explained the finer details of what was going on. I liked the spirit sticks the best--you know, those plastic thingies you blow up and slap together to make obnoxious noise? Wild Mama and I spent more time hitting each other with the spirit sticks than smacking them together in basketball appreciation. I'd show you a photo of me and the Wild Mama with our spirit sticks, but someone would probably steal it and put us on some porno site, so you'll have to use your imagine about us spirit-sticking at the game. Personally, I was hoping for more tattoos on the players but it was not to be. Matter of fact, they were down right-tattoo-impaired. It was a good game, although the Sky got spanked (their record is less than impressive, but hey--it's their first season). I highly suggest attending a game and showing support for our lady hoopsters.
It's hard to take photos at a game with but I did my best. If you look, really really closely, you can see some friends of ours who were seated across from us on the other side of the stadium. It's a small world. Well, I can see them.
Next on the list is to go see a Chicago Bandits Women's Professional Softball game. I feel so sporty. Wild Mama, get your sunglasses and sunscreen ready. Here's hoping Ms. UConn, Ms. Tennessee and Patty Party Pecs can join us...who needs the Cubs or Sox when you've got the Bandits?
On the MADONNA front, only TWO more days until the concert. MJagger is going to let me wear her new Madonna Confessions t-shirt to the show. That's mighty generous as it is a virginal shirt (meaning, it has yet to be worn). We still have one ticket left but I'm feeling confident that it will be utilized for the full asking price.....
As for the DOGS, they are peachy. Still fighting over the hedgehogs, still licking their parts every night, still thinking they are in charge of the house. (Oh wait--they ARE in charge.) I'm a little pissy with Freckles, as she is refusing to eat the very expensive organic food I purchased for their daily dining pleasure. Ah well, maybe I'll go back to the really cheap unhealthy food. We took them to Madison this weekend--it was delightful, especially the part where Freckles got to drive her own Escalade:
Did you think I was kidding? Not!
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