Thursday, May 11, 2006

McAbs & McAllergies in the McAddiverse
First, the good news. Freckles Warrior Princess, aka "Fatty Patty," went to the vet today--she's lost weight! She's down from 14.1 lbs to 13.7 lbs. That may not sound like a lot but in the world of shih tzus, that's like a gastric bypass results. FWP had to go to the vet b/c her ears are all inflamed. It's those darn allergies. The cost: one injection and a $100 vet bill. Perhaps that will keep her from scratching and itching and licking all night. Here's a photo of Frecks doing "down dog" yoga pose. She's still a little bitter about the vet assistant shoving this crap down her ear tubes. I guess I would be, too.

Yesterday, the wife stopped by McDonald's and picked up another exercise DVD--this time it was the "core" DVD, which I affectionately call "McAbs." I foolishly popped that puppy into the DVD player and chose to do the easiest workout. By the end of the four millionth crunchy, I was taking Ronald McDonald's name in vain. This ain't no beginner workout. I went back to doing yoga. I'm going to use that new DVD for a plate to eat french fries on....

Here's a photo illustrating the work out area, as described in the previous blog. I figure some of you thought I was exaggerating. Nope. Notice the dog sleeping in the corner. I'm in my favorite "Mountain-just-stand-here-Pose." You can see Maya (that's the virtual exercise lady) on the screen, also in Mountain Pose. Piss on the core workout, I'm gonna stand on this mountain til the cows come home. Coffee table to the left, windows to the right, TV to the front, couch to the back. And, breathe. Omm.

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