Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Photos from the Addiverse: January 2006

What up, dog? Freckles ALWAYS closes her eyes when I try and take a picture of her. It's like a talent. Lucy is seen guarding the favorite mitten; and, FWP wondering why LBP has the "Boodah" doll.
(For the more stories about Frecks and Lucy, go back to December & January entries. They are what the Addiverse revolves around. Woof!)

Photos of the Xenaverse, not to be confused with the Addiverse. Just a few shots of one or two Xena collectibles. It's an illness. From bobble-head Xena to autographed photos, Xena hoards tons of space in the basement. It's a good thing.

Here's some scary art I've been working on. It's more art therapy than art, but it's cheaper than going to therapy and it looks good on a coffee table. Yes, those are trolls. These two pieces are part of a tryptic--I call the piece "Tri-cycle" because there are three pieces to the whole and because of the word cycle, which relates to the cycle of mental illness and the number three is my favorite number. I'll leave the rest up to you to decipher. My artwork is almost scarier than the Xena collecting thing, but not quite.

Shoe-be-do-be-do....here are some photos of the wife's shoes. Why? Why not, I say. Shoes are mighty important, aren't they? She's got a lot of them, but here's a quick selection of the ones she wears more often than not. And, here's yet another photo of Freckles with her eyes closed. How does she do that every time?

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