Sunday, January 15, 2006

Mr. Winkle or Ms. Lucy?

.....If you don't know who Mr. Winkle is, check out so you are in the know.... he's a world famous dog with a tongue bigger than his head. Here's a photo from his website, as taken by Lara Jo Regan. (If this is a copyrighted photo, I apologize to both Mr. Winkle and Lara and ask you don't send me to jail.)

Now, Lucy LOVES Mr. Winkle and often tries to do imitations of him whenever possible. She seems to do the best rendition when she is asleep or on the verge of waking. Here she is posing as a Mr. Winkle wanna-be (left):

Not exactly a pretty site but you get the idea!

I don't think Mr. Winkle has anything to worry about...

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