Monday, January 09, 2006

Hampster Heaven: Godspeed, Cloudy

I was busy babysitting for my nieces this weekend when I heard A (niece #2, ten years old) scream, "H won't stop poking her hamster with a marker!" This sounded like a call for action, so I ran to the scene of the crime, only to find H (niece #3, nine years old) crying hysterically. "Something's wrong with Cloudy!" Sure enough, I peered into the cage to see a hamster in deep distress: bent in a sickening, almost backwards way, tongue protuding, little feet twisted in a not-normal way.

This is going to suck, being the aunt on duty with a dying hamster during the overnight shift.

I command D (niece #1, 12 years old) to get a clean washcloth. I carefully remove poor ol' Cloudy from the cage. He's cold and he's gasping for air and his poor tongue is a mess and he just looks miserable. H is sobbing, wailing, crying. We all know death is inevitable. She cries out, "this is my EIGHTH hamster to die!"

It takes everything in me not to laugh. It's not funny at all to H, but EIGHT hamsters! This girl should invest in some other animal. Her sisters have much better luck in the critter department.
"We've got to get him to the emergency vet!"

I gently wrap Cloudy in the washcloth, trying to warm his cold little body. I feel his mishapen back and then make the executive decision to bend him into a more "normal" looking shape. He immediately looks better, although his little feet are still shooting every whichway. I break the news gently as I hold Cloudy close to my chest. "Um, it's too late for the vet. H, Cloudy is dying. I want to make it as wonderful as possible for Cloudy in these last few minutes." (The photo is NOT of Cloudy, but rather of some kick-butt rocking hamspter I got off line from I thought it a fine tribute to Cloudy.)

Sobs and snot fill the room. This is not going well. At least Cloudy's tongue has gone back into his mouth. Bending him back into shape seems to really have helped him in the tongue department.

H asks to call her mama. I am all for that. (Thank God for cell phones.) She dials and cries through the call, explaining that Cloudy is dying. I don't know what my sister says, but it seems to work, as H slows down in the crying department. H says she will call back when there is more news.

Cloudy is gasping for air and I can tell the time is near. I ask if anyone wants to hold him. This freaks them out--who wants to hold a dying hamster? We all watch him as I hold him close and pet him. I do contemplate mouth-to-hamster assistance, but know it is too late for that.

Suddenly, a little bubble comes out of his nose. I know his time on this earth is over and tell them that Cloudy has gone to Hamster Heaven. H lets out a wail and A announces, "It's 9:14 PM and a half." She pronounces the time of death like a true professional. D just sits quietly and takes in the scene. Time of death is offically 9:14 PM.

H calls her mom and grandmother to announce the loss of Cloudy. My mom doesn't exactly know what to say but H seems to heal with the chance to talk about her loss. Once off the phone, I wrap Cloudy carefully and place him back in the cage, as directed by my sister. I leave his little head peeking out of the towel--he looks peaceful enough and I find it soothing to look at him. We stop and make a few cards for Cloudy, with H leading the way. She makes one that says, "Bloom into Life." (I assume this is inspired by her attendance in Catecism class.) We then drape a black towel over the cage, a shrowd honoring Cloudy's passing. The cards are placed all around the cage. This seems to really comfort H.

The rest of the night goes without a hitch, although I admit I did go back during the middle of the night and in the morning to make sure Cloudy was really dead. After all, I never had hamsters when I was a kid and didn't want to make a premature death certificate.

Yup, Cloudy's time had expired on Earth.

I don't know what happened the next day--what they did with Cloudy, that is. I'm pretty sure Cloudy will be buried with the other seven hamsters in the back yard, with full funeral service led by my sister. Godspeed, Cloudy and much love to H, A and D.

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