First, the mundane.
I don't know if this means anything to any of you, but if you are one of the five people who uses Feedburner to get an email that I've posted a new blog, you won't be getting those emails after July 31, 2021. I haven't figured anything out besides I need to figure something out by July 31st. I will do so, of that I am sure.
I've been messing with the domain/address of this blog. Who doesn't love a little chaos? I'm not sure what will transpire, if anything. I purchased a domain with the title of the actual blog, but that seemed to mess with things once I tried to use both my current blog link ( and the new domain (welcometotheaddiverse). It also means I have to pay for the domain, should I decide to use it. This all sounded like a good idea when I started the process. Now, I'm wondering why I would change something that isn't broken. I may leave well enough alone. Don't change anything just quite yet. I'm still a blogspot kind of gal.
It's been non-stop computer work over the past many months. It's the #1 reason I am pitiful about blogging. I have a lot to say, but my eyeballs are just about bleeding by the end of the workday from all the staring at a computer screen. I don't know how people do this, day in and day out. I'm used to lots of screen time but it's been ridiculous. I'm supposed to be doing a six-credit hour art therapy ethics course on line, but by the time I get home, I'd rather run naked through the streets than look at a computer one minute longer. Seeing as this is due by June 30th, I need to make a plan. If any of you who spend your day staring at a screen have words of wisdom to save my sanity and my eye sight, I'd love to hear it. I'm serious.
Yes, I remember to blink. But, that's about the only thing I know I have to do. A bigger monitor? More breaks? Some blue screen thing? Help a friend out here.
As for the Addiverse, it's all rainbows. No, seriously--there are rainbows everywhere. Why? It's Pride month and businesses around the globe have figured out that there is big money in using rainbows as part of advertising. One word: Opportunistic. Big business sees money in this rainbow thing. A calculated risk at times, I suppose, but a cash cow, nonetheless. This month, let's see.... Walgreen logo: rainbow. Kohl's logo: rainbow. Target product: #takepride brand, which is full of queerness. Facebook logo: spews a rainbow when clicked.
So much color for a most fabulous month.
I used to get really, really, really excited when I saw a rainbow flag or sticker.
It meant something.
It was symbolic.
It was not the norm.
It was brave.
Now, it's just another day. And, June? It's a hot-mess of insincere rainbows everywhere.
I found out there's a name for this: rainbow-washing. Who knew this thing had a name? With my ever-cynical self in full gay regalia, I say:
Me: Hey, business owner!
Business: Yes, my gay child?
Me: Your rainbow logo means nothing more than pretending-to-be-an-ally.
Business: Wait--what, we love the gays!
Me: If you are not supporting LGBT+ communities 12 months of the year, you are just doing rainbow-washing marketing, not being an actually ally.
Business: But, we've got gay logos and gay gear.
Me: You can slap a rainbow on your logo and be giddy for the month, but what happens when July 1st rolls around?
Business: Well, that's easy. We put the rainbows away.
Me: You know what I'd prefer? That your Rainbow-using company actually, sincerely, openly support the community of which you target once a year.
Business: Um, what?
Me: Donate to communities of which are represented by the rainbow flag. Hire people of the flag. Why use a rainbow logo when it's just opportunistic?
Business: That's asking a lot. We might get boycotted if we did anything besides fly the rainbow logo. People watch where we put our money.
Me: I know the gays have shitloads of money....
Business: Oh yes! Of that we are most certainly aware...
Me: Could you least pretend you care the other 11 months of the year?
Business: Like we said, boycotts and all...
Me: I know, it's hard to be a full-time ally. Or, to be an ally at all.
Business: But, we ARE allies!
Me: No, you're rainbow-washing, opportunistic pieces of poo.
It's safe to assume that I have now offended someone in the rainbow community.
Non-heterosexual friend (NHF): What's wrong with you? I celebrate all this rainbow-ness in Pride Month. You should be glad all these businesses have decided to show their support.
Me: I like rainbows.
NHF: It wasn't that long ago that using a rainbow logo would be unheard of... and, now it's the norm.
Me: [shrugs shoulders.] I should be impressed?
NHF: That rainbow flag logo would certainly would be frowned up just a few years ago.
Me: True. [Shrugs shoulders again.]
NHF: Flying a rainbow flag at the storefront is welcoming!
Me: It welcomes your money.
NHF: Ugh! So jaded. Look, it wasn't that long ago that no one even knew what the rainbow flag was.... now they know.
Me: Yes, and it wasn't so long ago rainbow-people were getting beat up, fired or worse.
NHF: Now your just being poopy pants in Pride month. Nobody likes a Pride poopy pants.
Me: I'm jaded. I'll wear my rainbow shirt and give my money to those who are true allies.
For the record, I love June. It's my favorite month of the year.
I love pride. I have many happy memory.
I love rainbow stickers on cars.
I love small businesses that fly the rainbow flag on their storefront....
I appreciate that rainbow logos are a thing, but I disdain the rainbow-washing and insincerity of it all. I'll try not to be a poopy pants, but it's going to be hard....
...the only way I'm going to be smitten with a rainbow logo is if Chik' Fil A turns their logo into a rainbow logo. THAT would make this year's pride amazing. It would be the ultimate in rainbow washing but it would be so outlandish that I would get a big guffaw out of it. It would be totally transparent: hey, here's a rainbow chicken; now, get out of here and leave us alone while we donate gazillion of dollars to the far right and talk smack about you.
You know.... I think it's time for me to make a fake logo for a certain chicken joint....
It means more time on the computer, but oh to see the rainbow chickens run free....
...warms my vegetarian heart.
You know what my next blog post photo will be......
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