No worries. I promise not to paint a vivid picture.
That's a pretty funny thing, considering I usually want to paint the picture of what I'm babbling about.
Remember: I am a strong animal advocate, so I really have no desire to pain a picture other than happy, fuzzy puppies. I am a friend to all things, great and small. (Except centipedes. I am not friends with them. Not friends at all.) So, when something goes amiss in the Animal Kingdom, I'm usually a wee bit distraught. (When I hear Sara McLaughlin singing from the TV, I immediately scream "TURN THE CHANNEL!" because I know it's an ad for abandoned, injured and/or abused animals. I can't even hear the song without getting a stomach ache.) With this in mind, I announce:
We are in the midst of "The Great Annual Bunny Carnage, Season Three."
Now, you would think if your babies came to an ugly demise your first year in the area, you'd move your nest when Season Two rolled around. And, you would think if Season Two ended up with the same result, you'd DEFINITELY move your nest for the next year.
I now know where the term "dumb bunny" comes from.
Season Three looked a bit more hopeful, but as fate would have it, the result was the same. That's all I'm going to say about the actual issue. I'm not sure what creature took part in this season's adventure, but it doesn't really matter because the result was... well... the same.
Nature is cruel.
I am disappointed to say that the "Ring" doorbell did not capture any of the action. (I just want to know what animal is the culprit, not what actually happens.) What the hell, Ring? How is it you caught none of this? I'm still pissed the Ring didn't pick up when the raccoon was hanging from our siding last year.
On the bright side, I've learned that Bandido is REALLY good at dropping...things... when screamed at. THAT, the Ring did capture. Piss on your, Ring.
This whole thing got me thinking about the Lucky Rabbit Foot. I never really thought about it when I was carrying around a red rabbit foot key chain in high school. I mean, who thought to start putting a rabbit foot on a chain for good luck and why did I ever think to question this? Why does anyone think that carrying around a dead animal's paw would bring anything good? Of course, I had to Google it.
Thankfully, Google assured me that many of these keychains are not made of "real" rabbit feet. I also learned that the history of the lucky rabbit foot is quite interesting. There are lots of specific things that have to happen to make a rabbit foot lucky. Google away, if you care to learn more.
I also, also learned that people get Lucky Rabbit Foot tattoos. I kid you not.THAT I had to see.
A quick trip on Google and Pinterest led to many a view of rabbit foot tattoos. I've never seen one of those in person but now I'm going to keep an eye out for them. As is true for all tattoos, some rabbit foot tats are awesome and some are... well, not so lucky-looking. My favorite rabbit foot tattoo, done in a most delicious traditional style, turned out to be one by Jacob Cross (
Jacob, I can't say I'd ever want a rabbit foot tattoo, but one can never be sure and if I did, I'd come find you in Australia.
The tattoo I chose for the Addiverse's "Best Overall Performance in the Rabbit Toot Tattoo" category was create by Liz Glitz ( Totally sums it up for me. After all, I'm not superstitious.....
....I'm just a little stitious.
'Nuf said.
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