Before I start babbling about the dead-bird-batman-crab-tribal a go-go, I digress:
While talking to a medium last weekend (no judgement, please), she very matter-of-factly asked me, "Why did you stop writing?" Now, the medium does not read my blog nor does she know that I enjoy writing. Technically, it wasn't her that asked (just go with it). It gave me pause. What was the answer to that very direct question? My head immediately conjured quite the list of reasons. The thoughts rolled along but I said nothing aloud. Again, "she" asked, "WHY did you stop writing?" This was followed by, "you know, if you one paragraph a week, that's 52 paragraphs."
The list really of reasons, as lists of reasons tend to be, is long. List be damned. So, here I am. Writing.
I won't pretend that all is well in the world, as it is most certainly not. I have no control over the world. I only have control over the Addiverse. It's a weird place, the Addiverse. After all, I'm writing because a medium questioned my conscious choice to do otherwise. But, I'm writing. So, take that, lady of the other side.
Let it be known that I am scared in relation to the world out there. There is so much hate and vile and violence and... well, you know. It is hard not to be concerned when the hate is seeping every which way. It's hard to not be worried when the lies are found to be truths, no matter how ridiculous the lies might be.
Hang on to the truth. Hang on to the truth and the love and the belief that human beings are good. ******************************************************************************
As for me, I am NOT hanging on to the tattoo on my wrist. This 30 year old beauty is no longer needed in the Addiverse. I never thought I'd have a tattoo removed but I decided that this one was destined to be erased from this earthly plane. I'd explain what the tattoo is, but I can't tell you that because I don't know. Seriously, I don't know what the hell a tattoo on my OWN body might be. It's kind of a dead-bird-batman-crab-tribal-band-gone wrong. It started out as a heart with a flame. It then grew into a heart with wings. It morphed into this black blob tribal thing, created by some guy named Sky Blue.
Hello, that should have been my first clue. Who the hell has the name Sky Blue? I could have stopped him. I could have said this wasn't what I wanted. I could have said that I changed my mind. I could have said that I didn't need a cover up for the cover up. But, no. I watched him make this "thing" that was not a thing of which I envisioned. I don't regret it. I just don't like it. (For the record, the wife has hated it since Day One.)
Flash forward 30 years. I've been looking at that thing for 30 years. I've gone to a few reputable tattoo artists, with hopes they could do something with it. Usually, they look. They look. They frown and they look....
My favorite response? "Wear a watch."
Research proved that tattoo removal has improved over the years. There are no guarantees and often the results are "good enough," perhaps so a new tattoo can be put in place. I'm all good with good enough. So, I consulted with a doctor who has laser removal services. The rest is history.
I've had one treatment. I am here to tell you it hurts a LOT worse to get a tattoo taken off than it does to get one. It is also a LOT more expensive to get one removed that to get one put on. Yes, it hurts more and it costs more. Youngsters, keep that in mind. It is going to take eight sessions. Well, that's a guestimate. It takes six-eight weeks between sessions. So, not only is this expensive and painful--it takes a LONG time to finish the process. There is hope it will be done in a year but time and lasers will tell.
At least the actual laser appointment is really short. I mean, it's a five minute process. That laser lady is on a mission. They give you a hose that blows ridiculously cold air on the area being lasered. I guess the air is supposed to make it feel less painful. Buttever. By the end of the day, my wrist was incredibly swollen. Application of ice was a must.
It's been a week, so things have healed quite handsomely. It is reported that the tattoo will continue to fade over the next few weeks as it is being absorbed by the body. I am intrigued by this. I imagine it getting sucked in to my liver and then pooped out in my poop. I have no idea if that's what happens but it's what I think. I may do some research about this... or, not. After all, it's fading so that's what counts. I took photos so not only can we can be witness to the process but also so we can vote on what the hell the "thing" really is.
Maybe we should have a contest: "Name the Blob." You know what? I think that's genius. I'll post photos next entry. Yes, the next entry. If a spirit from the other world tells you to write for 52 weeks, you do it. So, "Name the Blob" and 51 more blog entries it will be.
If all else fails, I can wear a watch.
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