Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Love Will Turn You Around

Last night, I wrote an entire blog... and, then decided not to post it. It wasn't funny, it didn't have a point (more than usual) and I felt I had already written the exact same thing sometime in the past year or two. (I'd hate to plagiarize myself. Take note, politicians.) The whole thing just seemed "off." Photos of kittens and puppies, rainbows and unicorns would have been better than that blog. Motivational quotes or tacky memes about love, unity and diversity would have rung truer. I've included the drawing I did before writing the blog. Who needs to write something when there is a sketch to be had?

The real issue? I was trying too hard. Usually blogging is second nature. Last night, I was forcing the issue. Nothing good can come from forcing an issue. It's like trying to force results when constipated. All you do is get hemorrhoids and feel more miserable than you did before trying to force the issue. I was trying too hard to not get sucked in to the nonsense on Facebook, in the news, at work, in the State, on the television. Maybe it was because the wife was out of town for the night and I had too much time on my hands. (I went for a walk, pruned a tree, wrote a non-posted blog and read a book. Tells you I was trying to look busy in an effort to stay positive.) I didn't feel "better" until I perused a bunch of old photos. By the end of the night, I was laughing and swimming in happy memories.

This morning, I am no more profound than I was last night but I feel better about it. A few happy posts on Facebook, some happy country music oozing from the Bose, reading a few fun texts from friends and coffee in my cup have put me right back where I need to be.

The best part about this morning? Thinking how the wife, my sister and my mother are going to see Kenny Rogers so very soon. In honor of this blessed event, I thought I'd share some texts from a few months back, as related to the upcoming Kenny concert. It's from the day the wife was buying the tickets. The texts are from my sister, my mom and the wife. These three are mighty funny and creative. Punny, I might say. How they worked in so many Kenny Rogers songs in such a short period of time is nothing short of creative genius. All I know is that I was trying to work and my phone kept chiming, alerting me of another song being sent. You may have to click on the photo to enjoy their genius. This isn't even the whole thread. Suffice it to say, I tried to work but couldn't stop laughing.

I've been to a bazillion concerts but not once to see Kenny, so this is a momentous event. This, as was Barry Manilow's, is Kenny's farewell tour. I hate all these farewell tours. I never know if it's a marketing ploy to get you to the concert lest you miss your final chance or it really is the final chance. I mean, Cher has had three farewell tours, so you never truly know. Kenny's been touring for almost four decades and he's 77 years old, so I guess he's earned the right to take a load off and enjoy a little rest and relaxation. He knows when to fold 'em, you could say. (You probably don't realize how many Kenny songs you know. Trust me, you know more than you think you do.)

It is fitting that the wife, my sister and mother were at the Barry Manilow concert.... we should be together for this farewell, too. It'll be nice to know so many songs with three other people who are well-versed in Kenny's song library. 

Kenny and his songs have the right idea. He fits right in with my effort to focus on the love, not the hate. Even his album titles suggest love is what it's all about: Share the Love. Love or Something Like It. Vote for Love. Love will turn you around.

Love of a good laugh turned me around this morning. May it turn you around as required.

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