Wednesday, December 31, 2014


I know many of you are waiting to kick 2014 in the ass, bidding it a fond good riddance, hoping that the new year will be nothing like this one. For some, Twenty-Fourteen was brutal, with many losses, trials and tribulations, with bad news pooping all over your life parade. I started to itemize the events, losses and pains friends of the Addiverse survived, but that got a bit depressing, so I stopped. All I know is that most of you would vote 2014 was not the year to remember.

As for me, it looks like I'm one of the fortunate ones. Although we too have faced losses and stressors, I can't say anything bad about this year. For Pete's sake, we got legally married. How can I complain about a year that included such a tremendous feat, something I never thought I'd see in my lifetime? That alone makes it an awesome year.

Besides getting married (which nothing could top, even though by heterosexual-spend -$50,000-standards, it was a very non-descript event), I watched all Doctor Who episodes created since 2005, somehow ended up leading a church and was bestowed a new position at my job. I talked a lot about tampons and poop, attended a Packer game, dumped an ice bucket on my head, ran through mud as a warrior, enjoyed a most-wonderful wedding in Minnesota (or, was it Wisconsin? Hard to say), watched youngest niece graduate from high school and finally paid off a 30-year debt to the wife by taking her to see Eddie Money (go figure). I had the pleasure of having a cell phone stolen and am still struggling to re-enter all my contacts, albeit now in an android world.

And yes, you've heard all of this crap before, especially about the tampons and poop. Oh, how I love to talk about poop.

You'd think that being in my fifties would encourage me not to waste time on book de la face and on that pinning place, but I did. I chose to watch Doctors 9, 10, 11 and 12 instead of working out. I spent more time on church than I want to think about--all of which sucked time away from blogging and starting a new Netflix series of one sort or another.

That said, I had many a meal with treasured friends and dared to play "Cards Against Humanity" with my family. I waved a very sad good-bye to MJagger when she secured a new job, but I couldn't begrudge one iota because it was a great move for her. Freckles celebrated her "third-last" Christmas, which I think surprised us all. As everyone in our small corner of the world knows, we thanked Lucy Bark of Poteidaia for all the joy she brought us while she was on this earthly plane. I know there is so much more that happened during the year and I beg forgiveness for not remembering everything and everyone. I had a very good year and thank you for your part in it.

For those of you who had a rough 2014, I wish you only the best for the new year. Using the approach of affirmation, I see you having a great year, filled with things you love, need and want. I thank the Universe for the gifts it bestows you, the health it brings you, the abundance it rains down upon you. I see you oozing with comfort, support, strength and courage and for that I am grateful.

As for me, I look forward to the new year, but not because this year was one I want left behind. I haven't really thought about 2015 yet, probably because it's not quite here and you know I really do live one day (or maybe an hour) at a time. I can think about it tomorrow. I'd hate to start looking too far ahead--I don't want 2015 to get the wrong idea. I look forward to travel, perhaps a new tattoo, another Warrior Dash and maybe even one of those 5K color blast runs. I see much success and prosperity, however I decide to define that. I plan on quoting Doctor Who whenever given the chance and on spending more time outside instead of on the couch. I'll talk a lot about poop and tampons and we'll celebrate our first official wedding anniversary (dear god, don't get me started on what date to celebrate). We'll see if Freckles has a "fourth-last" Christmas.

Here's to a great 2015, party people of the Addiverse. No worries--the baby Jesus and I have your back.

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