Before my head gets too big and explodes all over the Addiverse, I best move on to the topic at hand: being on the road. The wife and I have been traveling, taking two road trips as part of our summer antics. I love June. It is by far my favorite month of the year. As far as I'm concerned, it's the perfect time to travel--the days are super-long, the bugs aren't as big as airplanes yet, the height of the summer season hasn't crashed upon us yet, things are still green and pretty and lush.
Our first trip was to the north woods of the Cheddarlands for a wedding. We made a two-car convoy and made sure eight people and their luggage got to the church on time. We stayed in a cabin on a little lake, safely tucked in what I attest was the middle of nowhere.
It was so nowhere that I thought we were in Minnesota but later learned we were in Wisconsin. Now, THAT's nowhere!
As the wife and I do not stay anywhere without indoor plumbing, it is safe for you to assume that there was indoor plumbing. It is also safe to assume that we did not stay somewhere rustic. We don't do rustic. Rustic is a three star hotel.
It was beautiful, fun was had by all and the brides looked stunning.....although, I must say that offering to stay in the bunk beds so others could have the full sized beds was a bad idea--note to self: before acting selflessly, consult with the wife.
Okay, so that's a napkin on my face. This was a spontaneous happening. One does what one must do.
The second leg of our trip consisted of jumping in the Gaybors' car and heading to Kansas City. No food truck was featured but I can attest that much food was consumed.
If you've never been to Kansas City, I say: go. I have never been to a friendlier place....and, it was mighty tasty to boot. The friendliness bordered on being over-the-top ridiculous. Everyone smiles at you, says hi, is polite. Cars stop on a dime when you step off the curb. People let each other "in" when leaving a parking lot after a big event. People said, "excuse me" and "thank you" and "after you." It was kind of freaky at times. Try as we might, we really couldn't find anyone blatantly mean, grumpy or rude.
It was kinda like being at Disneyworld, where all the workers are fun and friendly and smiley and helpful and drinking the Mickey kool-aid. Well, maybe more like two Disneyworlds at one time--after all, there are TWO Kansas Cities. (I'll stick to the one in Missouri, no offense to Kansas.)
I'm sure everything is not sunshine and rainbows in KC but they did a good job hiding the yuckies while we were there. For instance, there were a whole lot of homeless people in Kansas City but even they looked pretty happy and certainly didn't interfere with our fun.
The food. Oh, the food. You may think Kansas City is all about meat products. Vegetarians, do not be afraid to enter the land of carnivores! I had the best, and I mean THE BEST veggie burger I've ever had in my entire life while in Kansas City.
The wife asked for a bite. She did not get a bite. I was not sharing this work of art.
I cannot describe what makes something the best. It is something that must be experienced. It cannot be put into words. The gaybors were stunned--I did not utter one word during dinner as I was too busy being enveloped in this most delicious culinary orgasm.
If that wasn't enough....the next day, I enjoyed what was BY FAR the best veggie dog I've ever had in my life. I dare not exaggerate. One does not exaggerate about a veggie dog, as those things aren't exactly tasty tidbits of healthy living. We were at a Royals game (front row, behind the dug out, baby!) and I thought it'd be worth a gander to see if they had veggie dogs. There's nothing like a hot dog at a ball game, so I was mighty happy to see they were selling veggie dogs AND there was YELLOW mustard, not that stupid brown mustard. (Dang cheeseheads, always using brown mustard. What is wrong with you?) There was no one ever in line at the concession stand, so there was never any waiting. It was like having your very own concession worker. I'm telling ya, it was weirdly wonderful.

....I swear a tear came to my eye.
Never has a tastier veggie hot dog crossed these lips. I doubt another one ever will.
(One should never think too long about hot dogs, even veggie ones. For the "real" thing: Parts is parts and really no one knows what parts are parts of those parts. For the veggie kind, it's a long list of chemicals used on chemicals to make a fake chemical product. The truth hurts.)
Kansas City offers lots of sight-seeing, plenty of shopping, varied professional-level sporting teams (soccer, football and baseball, just to name a few), a city market and even gambling (if you don't mind hanging out on a smoky river boat). It seemed to be clean for a larger-sized city. We didn't run into any traffic jams and we never had any trouble with parking (a huge bone of contention for me). I suppose I could whine about the hotel staff but why bother?
I sound like a damn commercial. I guess I had a good time.
....well, except for at the ball game, as it was "Bark at the Park" when we were there. There were dogs everywhere. Dogs got to walk the stadium warning track, hang out with their friends and even stay for the game. It was blazing hot (90 degrees at the start of the game, got hotter as the game went on), so I'm thinking there were hot dogs, veggie dogs AND very hot, four-legged dogs.
Any city that has veggie dogs and dog days at the ball park is okay with me.
The icing on the cake? Taking a potty break at the "World's Largest Truck Stop" on the way home." If you see something called the "world's largest," you should ALWAYS stop and take a gander. Always.
It was pretty impressive, especially for a truck stop. I find it hard to believe it is the WORLD'S largest, as it's a pretty big world out there, but who am I to argue? It seemed pretty large. I was able to pee as well as purchase some coffee, oatmeal and other sugar-laden products. I could have purchased a new outfit, a state-themed thimble, a sundae or even a VHS. I admit to being rather giddy while stopping at this place.....
Bottom line: Give me a road trip, the world's largest anything and a yellow mustard-smothered veggie dog and I'm good to go.
Just keep that brown mustard far away from me.....and, don't offer to take the bunk beds without talking first to the wife.
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