Friday, November 23, 2012

Post Turkey Musings

Today, the day after Thanksgiving, I am thankful for successfully evading another round of "What I am thankful for" at the wife's family gathering.  Actually, this year was rather uneventful, with much less crying than usual and an uncharacteristic disorganization.  I did enjoy that one family was caught fleeing out the front door just as the thanking was about to begin.  (For the record, they made it out the door unscathed and without professing their gratitude in a group setting.  They rock.) I, of course, had nothing serious to say and did not mention the wife (or, anyone in particular, so she knew not to be offended).  For some reason (probably because I was standing in plain sight instead of hiding on the floor in the corner), I got to go first.  I said thanks, tried to make a joke but no one got it (sigh), made fun of my age and passed.  The wife's family is very concrete and serious.  I forget this.  The majority of them do not "get" sarcasm or wittiness.  Thus, most of what I say is lost.  So much for me being voted "Wittiness" in my senior class.  The wife was sick, so she had little to say and didn't shed many tears. I think she was just trying to survive.  It looks like the start of a cold--so, you know how that first day goes.  It's awful, with your throat burning and your head hurting and your body feeling like you got hit by a truck...a slight fever and waves of ickiness.  If you can make it through that first day, you'll be fine, albeit snotty and sneezy and coughing.  I kept trying to drug her.  I believe in "take four, they're small" when dealing with issues of the body.  She finally acquiesced and took some ibuprofen.  I tried to get her to take four but she chose to take the recommended dose of two pills.  Sigh.

I'm now spending the day after Thanksgiving at home as the wife throws her semi-sick self into the throngs of Black Friday shoppers.  I have no time for such nonsense and am thus at home, getting ready to make our Christmas Cards.  I have to get them out into the mail tomorrow, so I have much work to do, especially since I have to go to the store and get the final supplies needed to successfully complete this endeavor.  Actually, I'm not sure I can get the cards out by tomorrow but the latest they will be sent is Monday.  I want to get them out quickly in case the world does end.  That would suck if I did all this work and then no one saw the card because we had all plunged into a vat of world-ending angst.

Because my 50 year old peri-menopausal brain can't always recall things, I am perusing this blog to see what we did this year to use as fodder in the card.  It was an awesome year, in which I turned 50 and had my myo facial released.  I can't say more because then I will ruin the surprise of the holiday card.  Well, I suppose my four blog readers could go back and review the blog but I won't count on that.

As for the wife, I am 99% sure that she will return empty-handed from her Black Friday outing, not because she's sick with a cold but because that's how she rolls.  She's one of those people who goes shopping for the love of shopping. I go because I need something specific.  That's why I sit in the car and play video games while she is shopping.  I shop, I buy, I go to the car.  She shops, touches everything, wanders...and, three days later, leaves empty handed. I don't understand this.  Why go if you are not going to buy something?  As for me, I am all about Cyber Monday.  Actually, I am all about Cyber-anything.  Allow me to sit at home in my pajamas, drinking coffee and listening to tacky country music, while completing my shopping efforts. That's what I'm talking about.

Since I don't have to go anywhere crushed with crowds, I will take the dogs along for the ride.  I mean, how many people can be storming the doors of Walls of Green? I'll get my needs met without harm and they'll get a ride in the car.  Win-win!  I'm sure my car will accidentally go somewhere that has ice cream.  My car does that, you know.  I have no control over it.  I'm driving along and suddenly I'm in the drive through of somewhere selling ice cream.  I don't understand.

The Addiverse hopes you had a great Thanksgiving. If you didn't, I hope you have a great Black Friday.  If you don't, I hope you find some ice cream.

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