Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sunshine and Rainbows

It's all sunshine and rainbows these days in the Addiverse, which should probably scare every last one of you. I have nothing of which to complain (although that's kind of a complaint in itself, don't you think?)  Seriously.  I am basking in the glow of the ever-delicious universe.  I just purchased14 new pair of underwear, I have the ever-surprising embrace of the in-laws and I savor the ever-approaching Madonna concert.  If I were any happier, I'd be twins.

Why, this giddiness makes me want to sing Brady Bunch lyrics:
"I think I'll go for a walk outside now
the summer sun knows me by name
I gotta get out, gotta get out, gotta get away
into the sunshine day.
Can't you dig the sunshine
love and sun are the same
can't you hear him calling your name?"

Now that I've firmly planted that song in the head for the rest of your day (and, if I haven't succeeded at this, I think I'll post the video to ensure your certain doom), I can go on with my dribble.

We went to the wife's annual family reunion last weekend, located somewhere in the heart of the Cheddarlands.  I don't ever know exactly where I am when I am in the state of Wisconsin--as a born and bred Flatlander, I get disoriented when I cross the border--but, as long as I am not on the street of a certain VP candidate, I'm all good with it.  (I can't say I don't want to be in his hometown, as his town features three Dunkin' Donuts--we have zero--so, we do indeed make road trips to that place of which we shall not speak. You know I'm a DD whore. I gotta go where the nectar of the gods is located, even if it means heading in to a dark, dark place.) The wife's extended family (and it is very extended, considering she has two aunts and seven uncles) has been strangely and most appreciatively nice to me these days. This year, they were so nice that a few times I had to take a look around and make sure they were talking to me.  I cannot tell you how far this family has come.  If they can change, anyone can change.  Maybe it was the civil union.  Maybe it's because I keep showing up, like a bad penny.....

...Maybe it's easier to just embrace wonderful me.  I mean, what's not to love?

The annual event features a giant salmon appetizer (of which I do not understand--I don't think we did salmon appetizer in the Land of Lincoln), a ton of dishes-to-pass (with a slant toward the German cuisine), a hand-holding prayer of thanks and an ever-growing vat of small children.  It's actually a very fun event and I'd be sad if I weren't invited.  Sometimes, it's a bit of a stretch for this vegetarian to find a plateful of food besides dessert products, but thanks to my addiction-level sweet tooth, I am all good with a plate of brownies, home-made chocolate chip zucchini bread and cookies.

Next week features MJagger's 40th birthday. I can't believe I am chronologically a decade older than her.  (For the record, "It's a Sunshine Day" was recorded in 1973, so MJagger was one year old when it was a hit.  Sigh.) I'm not sure anything exciting is going to happen in relation to this event, as I have been sworn to good behavior--no decoration of the office, no surprise party, no naughty antics.  This kills me!  I am not sure I can fully comply with these strict demands but I will do my best.  I guess I'll just focus on our pending Madonna concert as a distraction from anything I might consider in relation to a certain birthday. Well.....I have decided that posting old photos of MJagger on my Book de la Face page is not off limits, so that's at least a little bit fun--I have some pretty funny photos, so it is at least a wee bit fulfilling.  I don't think she's gonna have half as much fun turning 40 as I did turning 50....then again, most people don't have one-one-billionth of the fun I had turning 50.  

It's a sunshine day. Get out there and skip.  Seriously.  When is the last time you skipped?  You can't have a bad day when you've been skipping.  So, hum that sunshine song and do a little skip.  You're life will be full of sunshine and rainbows before you know it.

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