Thursday, August 09, 2012

Going for the (Green and) Gold

Note to my mother: You said Lucy, Bark of Poteidaia, looked like she lost weight.  I took the dogs to the vet today to get some kennel cough potion stuck up their noses and while they were there, the tech weighed them both.  Seems the problem is not that Lucy lost's that Freckles Warrior Princess has gained a lot of weight, thus making Lucy look thinner.  Freckles may be going on a diet--that little sausage of a dog has gained over two pounds.  When you only weigh 15 pounds, that's a lot of weight.  Woof!

So, I look up and it's Thursday.  How did this happen? I don't even remember Tuesday zipping by and here it is Thursday.  This begs the question: what have I done with all my free time?

I thought long and hard about this (okay, about 14 seconds) and realized that I've been frittering away my life by watching a lot of the Olympics, trying to figure out my bra size, reading Book de la Face statii, trying to ignore nonsense about religious chickens/public kissing, looking for my lost blog photo folder (how did I ever delete that on my computer?) and ordering nonsense on the Internet (including new bras).

In other words, I am rather pathetic.  Exceedingly entertaining to myself, but pathetic nonetheless.

(And, no--I did not figure out my true bra size. I'm going to need professional intervention on this one. I thought about only wearing sports bras as that seems to be an easy way out but really--you can't wear sports bras for all occasions.)

The wife and I have enjoyed watching the Summer Games.  I have to say, TV sure does "do" the Olympics a whole different way they did when I was a kid.  Back then, you got to watch what you got to watch--none of today's watch the highlights and the American wins during prime time--you had to sit through the pain and the losses and everyone's teams.  You got to hear everyone's national anthem.  You got to see the entire ordeal, not just the finals.  Not that I mind the current way of watching the American victories. It does save me time to read more Book de la Face entries and it fits in with our society's ADD approach to living.

I wasn't going to watch the Olympics because I was pissed off that they took softball and baseball out of the competition. I do not understand this. Explain to me why we can have NBA stars in the Games yet we can't have women's softball? (Don't get me started about the NBA players.  I won't be able to stop.) I might even forgive the excommunication of softball because it's such an America sport, but baseball?  I would think there are plenty of baseball teams around the globe.  I know that's an American game, but really....they have field hockey and lacrosse, why not baseball?

The wife and I have really enjoyed the gymnastics and the women's beach volleyball, especially Misty and Kerri.  How can you not love them? If you don't love them, please don't tell me.  Not yet, anyways.

(And, this is not my photo.  I gleaned it off someone's Book de la Face page.  I figure that's pretty public domain.  I'd give credit if I knew where to give it. Seriously.)

Sand volleyball is an amazing thing.  I can't imagine how much it must suck the life force out of you running and jumping around in that thick, deep, surprisingly cold (at least in London) sand.  Forget jumping up and blocking a spike--just running around the court a few laps would do me in.  Try doing all that while wearing a bikini.  Oh sure, you can wear something over your bikini but you still have to wear one.  That sounds like a lot of work to me.

The look on Kerri's face says it all.  That is one happy lady. I loved the way she would thank everyone at the end of each match--from the ball boy to the line judge to the girl holding the rake, she thanked them all.  She seemed genuinely excited about the whole thing.  (Actually, she probably smiling because she knows what bra size she is. Small.)

I know the Olympics aren't over yet, but they are for me season has returned!!  I.LOVE.FOOTBALL.  (American Football for those who are still in Olympic mode.) Tonight is the start of the pre-season.  Some of you might think this doesn't count but it does.  Let the smack talk begin!  I'm sure I'll take a peek at the Track and Field but my mind will be on the grid iron.  I wore my green and gold today and loved every second of ribbing I got at work today.  Oh, how I love, love, love football season....

....But, I would draw the line at professional football becoming part of the Olympics.  Dear god, I will be beside myself if they do that.  That seems so wrong in so many ways.  I can't really articulate it beyond, "that's so wrong."  Because it is wrong.  Well, it's wrong in the Addiverse and that's good enough for me.

It'd be even worse than that whole NBA-players-in-the-Games travesty and that is a travesty.  TRAVESTY!

Give me water polo and synchronized diving any day.


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