Saturday, October 15, 2011

LLLock Out

We are at the LLL, aka the Love Loft, with ten dear friends.  For those of you not in the know, twice a year this gaggle of friends gather for foods, friendship and fun.  We've been doing this since 1993. We go shopping, play games, go on walks, eat food, we even go get tattoos. 

Mainly, we eat food. 

You'd think after almost 20 years, we would have experienced almost everything. Well, today we had another first: we got locked out of the place we are renting.

It was one of those weird events that cannot be explained.  Somehow, the screen door locked from the inside.  It's not a lock with a key lock on the outside--it's one of locks on a screen door that manually locks from the inside.  Perhaps it was the ghost of the Farmhouse, as none of us can figure out how you lock a screen door from the inside when all of us were on the outside.

As the owners live at least three hours away (and, as they didn't answer our cell phone call), we were left to our own devices.  Having to pee and knowing that all those snacks were awaiting our consumption motivated us to get it.  We circled the premises many times to ensure we weren't missing an obvious open or unlocked window or door.  Nothing....

So, we took turns using various creative modes trying to open the door.  We tried pulling on the door, shoving credit cards and other various implements in the door, we tried to open the screen window without damaging the screen. That seemed the best option...had there not been a storm door window in the way, this would have been awesome.  

At this point, you might ask yourself, "how many lebetians does it take to unlock a screen door?"  You would think it would only take one, maybe two at the most.  We had six staring at the door and discussing game plans.  We also had one or two engaged via cell phone.  It must take eight.

We determined the only way we were getting in was to take the hinges off the door.  This required some creativity and expenditure of brain power, as we only had a few assorted tools, none of which were designed to get a door off its hinges.  After digging in my trunk, I found some pliers, an old towel, a socket wrench and some little cheap-ass knock off Swiss Army knife.  (I also found an extra pair of underwear, some electrical tape and my Jack Campbell success book.  I left those in the trunk.) 

Did you know you can use a socket wrench as a hammer?

Thankfully, the hinges came out without much effort.  Oh, there were a few tense moments but really, it was quite uneventful. Once the hinges were off, the rest was a piece of cake.

Cake? Did someone say cake? I love cake.  Get that dang unhinged door out of my way--I know there are snacks in there.

I am pleased to report that we got in without damaging the door and without any injury to persons involved. In victory, we have already peed, eaten and turned on college football.  I am pleased to report I immediately went to the frig and snarfed down some leftover pizza and a huge slice of triple chocolate pie.  As you need salty to go with sweet, I crunched down some sour dough pretzels to balance the pie.  Since you need sweet to follow the salt, I had some dark chocolate to balance the pretzels.

Life is good.

P.S. As for the door getting locked on its own, we're going with the ghost theory.

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