Wednesday, August 24, 2011

And, I feel fine (part II)

Well, I don't know how that last post posted on its own, but it did...and, thus I take that as a sign from the Universe that I am supposed to leave it there, unfinished in my mind, but finished in the Universe's mind.  Who am I to argue with Universe?  So, go back, read what got posted, then come back here and read what I would have written had I written it in the first place.

(NOTE: there used to be a photo here of Lady Gaga dressed as a drag king; however, I removed it lest I have legal issues of the copywrite kind.  Thank you for your understanding.  Envision a photo right here and then keep reading.)

Side note: This is Mother Monster.  Father Monster?  I dunno.  I am all good with Lady Gaga playing drag king.  Why not? It's not original and she makes one ugly dude...but, I can't be the only one hoping she shows up at the MTV Music Awards on Sunday night dressed in drag.

So, I really did get a coupon for ob tampons in the mail, which is awesome not only because I'll save a dollar, but also because it demonstrates that ob's are back on the shelves (albeit without my precious purple boxed bundles of love).  The company has no intention of bringing the ob Ultra back....why, I do not know.  Someone high-up muckity-muck in the company must have gotten wind of a toxic-shock-syndrome scandal in the making and bailed before poop hit the fan.  (I am making that up.  Totally making that up. TOTALLY.MADE.UP! Don't sue me for saying that.  I have no idea why the company got rid of its most beloved product.)  So, we the sullen sisters of the ob Ultra, remain at the mercy of Bay E to buy boxes of ob Ultras at $45--or more--a pop. 

That is NOT a typo.  That is over one dollar per tampon.

Actually, when you think of it that way, it doesn't sound as bad.....does it?

As for the end of the world, well I am not sold, although I do get nervous when I think about how I was taught way back when (probably in some CCD class or maybe in some World History class or maybe it was in that movie with the "666" mark of the beast--I can't recall...details, details) that the An*T*chryst was alive and well on the planet, born in the middle east in 1962.  This was disconcerting to me not because some An*T*chryst was zipping around the planet--I was concerned that I might be the An*T*chryst because I was born in 1962.  (Maybe I didn't learn this in CCD.  Maybe I was a more disturbed child than I ever imagined.) I wasn't born in the Middle East but I was born in the Middle West--er, the Midwest.  Not much of a stretch.

For the record, I am not the An*T*chryst. 

(Please note: I am using "An*T*chryst" because I'm REALLY not in the mood to have all sorts of people googling the "real An*T*chryst word" and thus accidentally end up on my blog when what they really want is to find Bible verses to quote when the fire is pouring down upon them.  I have enough trouble without having people freak out about the end of the world while visiting the Addiverse. I have a lack of ultra tampons to worry about.  I don't have time for that nonsense.)

It is going to be a LONG 18 or so months, with this supposed end of the world creeping upon us.  If the past three day's three earthquakes--one of which was so minor (the California one) that it would have NEVER been reported or even noticed had the other two not first occurred--are signs we are doomed, I am going to be so disappointed.  Don't you think it should be bigger and grander and shinier?

I think a bigger sign of the potential end is that "She who must not be named" is hovering around the Iowa cornfields waiting to make an announcement.  Poised, waiting, hovering.  Of course, her supporters think the An*T*chryst is in the White House, and I really can't argue, as he is a middle-eastern-descent man born in almost 1962.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I am going to be SO MAD if it turns out I voted for the An*T*chryst!

The media is going to make this end of world thing SO much worse.  They are going to get everyone all stirred up a billion times more than they would have been had we been left to our own devices.  I better start stocking up now before everyone starts hoarding emergency survival supplies like Hershey bars and bottles of expensive vodka.

If only I had stocked up on ob Ultra tampons.....

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