Some-bunny to love
First, I promised to blog about something more than the wife's back and the dog's ailments. Now, I promise to write about something else besides Lady Gaga, Lady Gaga's new album, Lady Gaga interviews on TV, Lady Gaga everything. It's tough, as I am addicted to the Gaga and my life has definitely become unmanageable. She has taken over my very being....
Uh oh! We have a pile of baby bunnies living in our front yard garden. Here they are, peeking out from their abode. Very cute at this stage of the game. There are at least six lagamorphs, but I am guessing there are more. (They keep wiggling so they are pretty tough to count.) The good news is that the nest is not in the lawn, so chances are I won't mow over them. The bad news is they will surely soon be a tasty meal for Brown Dog, as the neighbor canine is a hunting dog who would like nothing more than a rabbit lunch.
We've been watching them daily, wondering aloud how they eat and where the mama is. Yesterday, we looked in the nest and it was empty! The wife wondered if they were gone for good and asked me, "Do you think they come back at night?" I shrugged my shoulders, as I have no experience in the nesting baby bunny department. I figured once out of the nest, they would have moved on to bigger and better things (that, or Brown dog ate them). Since it appeared the baby bunnies were gone, I figured it would be safe to weed whack in the garden.
No so much. As I whacked those weeds, baby bunnies went a-flying!
Several went scurrying off to other parts of the garden. One ran smack dab into the side of the house; another ran right into the front door stairs. Both were stunned into statues upon smacking their little bodies into non-moving objects. Thankfully, they were both easily coaxed back to safety with my prodding and neither looked worse for the wear.
As long as I don't mow over one, it's all good.
If I mow over one, I'm gonna need a LOT of therapy. Start putting money in the therapy fund right now.
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