Monday, November 23, 2009

Pickled again

No, no--I'm not drunk in a gutter.....

Someone keeps throwing pickles on my car when I'm parked at work.

Seriously. I come out from work and find pickles on my windshield.

I took a photo of one of the pickles as seen from the inside of the car. It kinda looks like a UFO from this vantage point, but I assure you that it is just a pickle stuck solidly to the windshield. (A few onions also came along for the ride but you can't really see them.)

I don't think it's anything personal--after all, I work directly across the street from the Golden Arches and I'm not thrilled with their pickles, either. It's quite the McD's--lots of homeless people, mentally ill and drug using/drug selling types--so, it's really really not surprising that pickles are tossing through the air. I don't think I've pissed off any of the local drug dealers and I know all of the guys with mental illness, so I'm perplexed about the daily pickle shower.

I did recently fire someone, so I suppose the pickle patrol might be thanks to a disgruntled employee but that seems pretty far fetched. I mean, who flings pickles at their ex-bosses?

I think I'll keep a photo journal of pickles I have known. As long as "The Pickler" keeps flinging the green globs onto the glass and not onto the paint, I'm all good with it.

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