Saturday, August 08, 2009

Final thoughts on Cupcakes; Awaiting my little Cupcake (Madonna!)

Ah, the infamous window. (If you know not of this window, scroll back a few entries. I promise it's worth it). This photo shows what the window looks like when fully opened. If one breaks the arms holding open the window, the opening is increased enough to be birthed through, but by no means does it open enough to be parallel with the ground. Notice how luscious the pavement looks--that's where I started from. Yum.

I would have taken a photo of Harry Scary but he wasn't around....

I've heard from many people about the cupcakes (again, scroll back, young reader!). I appreciate all the words of wisdom. I think the bottom line is: always eat cupcakes upon arrival. Don't save them for anyone or anything. Eat them the same day as they are baked. Hell, eat them in the bakery parking lot!

It is my civic duty to save the world from cupcake ignorance; hence, I share some of the information provided to me. Perky Potholder Grrrrl said, "Because I wrote a half-assed cookbook, I feel qualified to tell you NEVER REFRIGERATE cake (or bread). It makes it all sad and dried out. But you know that now. (sigh) I've heard you should refrigerate cream cheese frosting, but if a cake has cream cheese frosting, why in heavens name would there be any left? Seriously." Cool Mama added, "You had to refrigerate the cupcakes. The only thing I would have suggested, but it would have been too late, was to bag them individually in baggies (or saran wrap). I thought of it when I saw them in the picture on your blog. They were fine, the flavor was still there. Of course if you want to get technical (and I'll argue your cook book friend on this) they could have been frozen when you want to keep them a few days, but then I don't know what would have happened to the frosting as I don't know what that frosting was made of.

I will never again "stale" a cupcake.

Enough of stale cupcakes....let's talk about MY little cupcake: Madonna! This Madonna Whore is excited to announce that Madonna has an "ultimate greatest hits" album coming out on September 29, 2009. I wouldn't have known this if MJagger hadn't mentioned it during a recent walk. How I was ignorant of this blessed event, I do not know.

Research has educated me on the new album, but only a little bit of information is actually out there in cyberspace: (1) It is a two-CD compilation; (2) all the songs have been re-mastered; (3) there is no track list available yet--hence, everyone is guessing what is actually on the album; (4) there is a new song included ("Celebration") and you can buy this single RIGHT NOW via MP3; (5) you can pre-order this album... and, you bet your patooty I did indeed pre-order this gem on Amazon.

September 29th sounds very far away, but it's really only a few weeks from this moment. Besides, Madonna's birthday is on August 16th, so I can celebrate this first and then celebrate the Celebration later.

In honor of the new CD, here's what I posted on Book de la Face: My Life According to Madonna. It's one of those sophomoric "notes" people do on FB. Why 40 something year old people like me do those notes is beyond me but I like doing them, so what the heck. I encourage you to do your own "My Life According to [insert name of favorite band here]. You just use song titles to answer the little questions......

My Life According to Madonna:

Are you a male or female: Material Girl
Describe yourself: Like a Virgin
How do you feel: Incredible
Describe where you currently live: La Isla Bonita (ha ha, MJagger!)
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Into the Groove (Hollywood? Miles Away? Candy Shop?)
Your favorite form of transportation: Easy Ride
Your best friend is: Amazing
You and your best friends are: true blue
What's the weather like: Rain
Favorite time of day: Hanky Panky (couldn't resist)
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:4 minutes
What is life to you: Holiday
Your fear: what it feels like for a girl (Papa don't preach?)
What is the best advice you have to give: Express yourself
Thought for the Day: Open Your Heart
How I would like to die: Die another day

Get into the Groove, people! And, get on Book de la Face and give the wife a hard time, as she has given in to the FB madness. I knew it was only a matter of time....

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