Saturday, January 24, 2009

Strumming along with the Hero de la Guitar

Hey, I am out of town, borrowing an unsuspecting friend's work computer (man, hope they don't give her trouble for using this machine to write mindless dribble), writing a quick, impromptu blog entry while awaiting my next turn on Guitar Hero.

And, I am ALL ABOUT my next turn at the axe.

You have never seen anything like a bunch of middle-aged women trying to be Guitar Hero-ettes, especially those of us who do not have any sort of gaming system. We are doubly-impaired: we are trying a new skill on a system we do not have.

(I took lots of photos but can't post more than one of them today, as I don't have the camera cord; besides, this isn't my computer and there is only so far I should push my luck. This one shows how much I have to concentrate to play this stupid guitar.)

It's another meeting of the LLL. You blog neewbies are going to have to go back and check out previous LLL blogs so you understand this concept. Suffice it to say there are twelve us us hanging out in a farmhouse many miles from home, eating our way into food comas and torturing ourselves with video games and singing along with Mama Mia (did you know there is a sing-along version?). Me? I'm just praying I poop sometime in the next twenty-four hours. You'd think all this food would have poop shooting out of my butt left and right but for some reason my bowels have decided to stay indoors and have done so since five days prior. (Soon, my pants will not button. There is only so much poop you can keep in your pooch before it's impossible to snap those jeans shut.)

Since it's below zero out, the LLL will spend most of our time eating copious amounts of unhealthy food, playing board games, walking to Leslie Sansone, eating a bit more healthier foods, go back to eating unhealthy food, laughing about everything and anything, building Guitar prowess, talking about bearded dragons (seriously--this is nothing perverted), napping and working on nicknames for the three that don't seem to have any (or, we can't remember the names as we are indeed having those peri and menopausal moments).

I love these women and I love the LLL. I wish we met more than two times a year but I'll take what I can get.

Since I am with eleven other friends, I best not take too much time ignoring them while writing a blog entry. The wife doesn't take kindly to my need for technology. So, I'll get back to you tomorrow or Monday....

......Besides, I have to concentrate on the screen so I can improve my Guitar-hero-ness. Dude!

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