Just when the wife and the entire state of had Wisconsin stopped crying about your retirement and just when the despondent doom-and-gloom depression of the entire state was lifting, you HAD go and toy with these poor Cheeseheads and try to unretire.
They had just started to heal! They were just starting to get distracted from their pain by the Brewer Season.....
Not only that, you have the gall to ask to be released by the Packers and would most definitely play for another team like the BEARS.
The Bears!
You might as well stab the wife through the heart with a giant hot poker. You might as well spit on the face of Vince Lombardi. You might as well just set Lambeau Field on fire. You might as well say you don't like cheese or brats.
How can this be? How could you do this to all those loyal fans? Those green-and-gold all-weather fans are beside themselves about the whole un-retire thing and then you add the pain of saying you'll play somewhere else.
Is there no team loyalty ANYWHERE in the Universe? I say not.
The wife is angry. Bitter. Conflicted. Disgusted. Morose. Angry. Sullen. She has announced she will not watch football this year if you go play for someone else, especially if it's for the Bears or Vikings.
She thought you were the real deal, a class act. She was so impressed by your team loyalty. Now? She's a ruined woman. She walks around muttering about you. She needs therapy. The whole state of Wisconsin is going to need therapy. How can you kick these people in the gut with this selfish playing-for-the-Bears-or- something- like-that- pitiful-thing? Talk about tears in beers!
I wouldn't mess with Cheeseheads. You DO know the Bears play the Packers, don't you? You'd have to come back to Lambeau Field and those Cheeseheads will not be nice to you. They are usually very, very nice people but this--this will lead to things we dare not even imagine lest they come true. They are hunters. They wear camouflage. They have guns and bow & arrows and rifles! They do not mess around. They don't like the Bears. Heck, they don't even like people from Illinois.
You selfish, selfish pig. Who do you think you are, Michael Jordon? Johnny Unitas? Junior Seau? Joe Montana? Jerry Rice? Marcus Allen? JOHNNY DAMON?
True that all those athletes (and coach) listed did the exact same thing that you are going to do. They all left the team they had been with all those glory years and they SOILED their reputation and memories by selfishly stomping on fan loyalty and went and played that last season or two somewhere other than where they claimed their fame and glory. That doesn't make it right. Who wants to think of Joe Montana in a Chief's uniform? Or Jerry Rice in Oakland uniform? It's just wrong. Who wants to think of you in a Bears uniform?
They won't retire your jersey in Green Bay--they'll burn it.
So, thanks for nothing, Brett Favre. Now it's going to be a long, painful, conflicted summer, full of Cheeseheads in agony. The state of Wisconsin has enough problems right now. They didn't need this. They needed a hero and that hero was you. Go ahead and un-retire but don't expect Cheeseheads to understand. They were loyal to you.
So, go ahead. Un-retire and leave. Just remember, they wear camouflage so you won't see them coming......
......I am SO sending you the wife's therapy bill. Thanks for nothing.
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