Ingabor Log-jammer: This blog is for you! Good Luck with the knee surgery!
I have so much to say, none of it world shattering but needing a venue, nonetheless....and, thus you are the elected receiver. I type this as I watch "Dancing with the Stars," so all typos are blamed on Pricilla, Kristy and Marlee. (They are doing the Paso Doble this week, which is my absolute favorite dance of all time, so I'm not even sure why I'm blogging at this moment. You DO know the Paso Doble, don't you? OLE! I love it! If I could only watch one dance on DWTS, it would be the passionate Paso. Growl!)

Yesterday was "Prince Fielder Bobblehead Day" at the Milwaukee Brewer's game. Here I am, showing off my own personal bobble head. (Um, I don't know who that lady is in the background, but it sure is "sunny in Cleveland"). Bobble head Day was fun and all good. The wife's entire family was in attendance, so that was fun, too. And, since brother Tommy Hilfiger gave the wife's brother (and, obviously, his brother, too!) a new car, there was lots of bobbling headed family members. What IS it about Tommy giving cars to family members?
Unfortunately, the car event was eclipsed by the STOMACH FLU epidemic (or, perhaps food poisoning).....first, the wife's dad, sister and sister-in-law looked rather green, then the mama, then a nephew....the wife and I are PRAYING we do not find ourselves next on the list or we'll be bobbling our heads in toilets....
.....Hearing the word Bobble-head makes me think of my Bobble headed error, sadly discovered today.
I was very confused when I got a credit card statement today for an account I had recently closed. Weirder--there was a $600.00 CREDIT on the statement. I wasn't sure what to think, so I called the company. While I am trying to talk to the fine young man, obviously located somewhere deep in India, I have a flash of my bobble-headed error:
I made an electronic payment to the WRONG credit card.
So, the card with the $600.00 worth of charges didn't get one penny paid and a paid off account got $600 extra smackers.

Above: This is how I felt when I realized my error.
(This is also how four year olds look after they have HAD ENOUGH of Bobble Head day.)
It IS funny in a bobble-headed way, though......Can't wait to see how long it takes Capital One to send me a refund check. Wanna take any bets?
Bikini season is almost here (a time when we hope nothing is bobbling too much), which means I am going to kick it up a notch before our cruise gets ready to set sail. I've regularly been doing walking tapes at home (I look ridiculous but I like to think it helps and that I'm lowering my cholesterol) as well as walking the dogs (which really shouldn't count because they are so dang slow--they have little legs--but it is still walking).

MJagger and I have been walking together two times a week in a mission to squeeze into a skanky tank top (MJagger) and to make sure parts don't jiggle too much while in swimwear (me). She can walk fast so I have to work hard to keep up. When we get tired, we start thinking about that tank top and that cruise.
Suddenly, walking fast doesn't seem so hard.
The other day, MJagger decided we should try a little jogging in addition to our walking. Now, I used to be a runner (operative words: USED TO) but that "career" ended many a year ago after a herniated disk in the neck and unidentified knee problems. We're talking ten years here. Add the fact that MJagger is ten years younger, I figure that's like being twenty years behind. But, being the bikini-focused person that I am AND having pride in the ability to be able to hobble along with someone ten years younger, I was agreeable to give it a try. She was gentle--one minute of jogging, three minutes of walking, for three miles. Sounded reasonable, so I agreed. I looked down at my pathetic, used, worn, no-cushioned-left shoes and set off into glory.
I thought it went relatively well. I didn't get winded, I didn't throw up, I didn't pass out and I was able to make it the whole way, as was MJagger. No limbs fell off, I didn't throw up and I only had knee pain in one knee, not both.....
...several days later and I'm sore. I'm in pain. I'm a hurtin' pup and it hasn't gotten any better. I can't afford to be injured!! Bikinis! Bikinis! Bikinis!
Maybe it's just sympathy pain for Ingabor Log-jammer, but I don't think so.
Pray for my patella. Pray for her patella. Pray for Nutella. Whatever bobbles, pray for that, too. Bikini bottom, while I prabe with me.
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