You know when you are in grade school and you write "BFF" on your folder, on your locker door, on your desk because it means "Best Friends Forever?" Well, now BFF will officially stand for Brett Favre 4-ever.
Our artistic friend Melodious Artisticus made this picture for the wife. I had to publish it because (1) it is so fitting and (2) because it's really cool (unless you are in mourning about the Brett Favre retirement; then, it is not so cool). Being the good spouse that I am, I've blocked the wife's name out (not that you don't already know her name, but I value my life, so the name has been blocked). Thank you, Melodious!
Flood Warning!
Blue Eyes called to tell the wife that there is a "Flood Warning" for the entire state of Wisconsin. No, not because of the weather--but, because of all the sobbing......
Here is a photo of the Brett Favre autographed football I bought the wife a few years back. Am I a good spouse or what? It was for no particular reason. It's not exactly diamond earrings but it's romantic to her, nonetheless.
I sent out an email to our family and friends, forwarding the "Brett Favre in Black Curtain" as a show of solidarity to the wife. I received a few responses back and thought it appropriate to share the comments with you: Pee Pee Peeker and Einsteina Vagina wrote: "We immediately thought of you and how distraught you must be. Addi WP, how are you handling the BF widow all by yourself? Is family around to help? We want to send you our deepest sympathies. This truly must be a trying time for you. If there’s anything we can do, please call. We’ll be there in minutes to help. As I look back in retrospect, it’s as though there was this looming death on the horizon. Somewhat akin to a slow-flesh eating disease thatwe all knew would end horribly. At what point do you cut your losses and quickly fade into the background and resort to sitting on a rocking chair, whittling a new pipe, and watching the newer, younger pups play at your feet? It was truly a difficult, but smart decision. Again, please accept our condolences. We really did like the lad."
Cousin "Bear Down, Chicago Bears" Black toes wrote: Next year Aaron Rodgers will play well enough for the Packers to be in playoff contention late in the season, when he will be injured. Brett will come out of retirement, wearing a green and gold Superman outfit, and lead the Packers to the playoffs and a Superbowl win--and then disappear, never to be seen again, leading to much speculation about whether he was actually human, celestial, alien, or a figment of America's collective imagination. I'll miss him. It was always a great challenge when the Bears played against him and he exemplified some of the best aspects of sports. He was a congenial competitor who hated losing, but could be friends with opponents and had fun playing--and never a hint of cheating or taking short cuts. I'm sure he inspired a lot of young people. Tell [the wife] to appreciate what she and the other Packer fans have had, rather than bemoan his retirement. What would Brett do? Take care."
And, CEO Packer Backer wrote: "Tell [the wife] I'm not sorry to see Brett go...had to sooner or later.....and, think about the Bear fans having lost nearly 15 years of their adult lives to Brett who will be a ghost they'll never forget no matter what they say...... (I do remember Walter well)....."
I'm sure there will be many others who send condolences. Until then, just remember it's B.F.F. Make that 4-ever.
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