Sunday, January 20, 2008

Pre-Game Warm Up

Oh dear, the wife is one big ball of excitement and anxiety. It's a hard life being a true Packer Fan, born and raised in the land of Cheddar. This isn't a game--it's a way of being. In an effort to help her calm her nerves four hours before game time, I thought I'd post some photos gleaned from the internet. (That and distract her with NFL channel stories of how cold it really is at Lambeau Field right now....Ice Bowl II?) Trust me, I am wearing the exact same outfit I was wearing last weekend because I AM NOT going to mess with the wife's superstitions. I value my life and peace.

My favorite photo I've seen in the past week is this one of Brett approaching his family (especially Deanna, who is on the top of the wife's list). How can you not love Deanna Favre?

NOTE TO BLOG READERS: IF ANY OF YOU HAVE A COPY OF THIS SPECIFIC SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, I WILL PAY YOU TO SEND IT TO THE WIFE. I am serious about this. She has made herself silly looking for this edition. It sold out like in thirty two seconds, which is amazing since we live in Illinois. (What's up with all these wimpy Bear Fans switching teams all of a sudden? Isn't that against the Bear code of honor?) We've been to more stores and gas stations looking for this than I care to count. She'd really love to have one. So, let me know if you'd like to part with your copy and I'll send you a reward. Chocolate, cheese, your price. I really don't want to buy it off of eBay....and, forget about getting one of those sideline knit caps all the players wear--those are sold out and going for college tuitions on eBay....

Then, there was the "Snow Bowl" last week. What fun was that! If I had to play football in the cold, I would prefer it'd be fun like this: giant flakes of snow and your quarterback throwing snowballs. Of course, as a fan sitting in Lambeau Field it would be nice if you could see the game, but I don't think they really cared as long as their Pack came out on the victorious side....

Finally, I finally found the Patron Saint of the Green Bay Packers: It's "Saint Vince." I should have known.

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