Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Snakes in the Grass

I got my "hair did" today, but my Jackie Warner hairdo will have to wait until next time, as these photos are hot off the press....

What do we do in the Addiverse for fun and enjoyment? Well, let me show you via this photo bonanza!

Yesterday, I went to visit my sister's family in the suburbs. Imagine my surprise when I find them all sitting and staring at the garage:

I'm not making this up. They were watching the garage. Why? Because snakes were slithering across the yard and making their way up into the siding of the garage. Niece #3 pointed out how they get into the siding:

"They go in here!" she says, as she points out the small space at the bottom of the siding. I learned that the snakes crawl up in the wall and then out the top so they can sun themselves during the day. Yikes! Not only were they watching the snakes, Captain Biceps was spray painting the snakes so he could tell if they were the same ones returning or if they were all new ones day after day.

(What? You don't sit in your back yard and spray paint snakes?)

Lest you think these are giant rattle snakes or something, let me reassure you that the snakes look like this:

This one was photoed BEFORE being spray painted.

If that isn't enough fun for one day, how 'bout scooping crayfish out of the man-made water way in the back of the house--here's Captain Bicep fishing out a big crawdad using a tennis racket:

And, here is the prize for his efforts:

Say hi to Crabby Crawdad!

This critter was NOT entertained. He had a death grip on that racket and was making weird, gurgling sounds.

Thankfully, no one was hurt in the process and no one fell into the water. I suppose it would have been more entertaining if someone had fallen into the creek or if the crayfish grabbed on to someone's nose, but none of these events came to be.

THAT is how we have fun in the Addiverse.

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