Sunday, February 18, 2007

Secretly No so Secret

The secret to life is.......
....the Hokey Pokey.....

.....cuz that's what it's all about.
I originally wrote this blog on February 18, 2007. I'm updating it on October 29, 2015 because it is really fun to see how this stuff actually came to fruition. So, you can read it in 2007 AND in 2015. It is like time traveling without ever leaving the comfort of your computer. My 2015 responses will be in purple. You may not think this stuff is "big," but it's big to me. You should try it. The Secret AND the Hokey Pokey. --Addi
Indulge me for a moment, won't you? I'd like to yip about "The Secret." After all, if it's good enough for Oprah, it's good enough for me. It's hokey and it's nothing new, but it's repacked and Oprah-fied, so let's figure out the secret to life together.

I was hoping the secret to life was chocolate, but I hear that it is not. Sigh.

The Secret is a movie....a Oprah session....a way of life. It basically says the secret to life is the Law of Attraction. Call it "think, feel, act" for the common man. It's about intention and attracting to your life what you want.

You know those people who say, "Create a nice day?" I love it. That's what the Secret is basically about. We create our own nice days.

So, to employ this not-so-secret-Secret:
you make your intentions known,
you THINK about those intentions,
you FEEL how it will feel to have those intentions come to fruition, and,
you ACT to make those intentions come to you.

It's not new at all. This stuff has been around forever. It's not new to me. It's not new to Oprah--for god's sake, it's what she's been preaching all these years. It's not new to anyone who's been hanging out with our friends. It's just neatly bound and pretty and mass-marketed. I'm all for that.

So, you make this Intention board and via the Law of Attraction, you bring those intentions to life. Literally. I figure putting my intentions on a blog will work just as well as putting them on a piece of paper....thus, I put forth my intentions in this public format AND I am putting it on paper by making a intention board. My life is already whole, happy, healthy and fun, but it's nice to attract even more to this wonderful life.

I have the Mouse Surgeon's job on or before January 2008. NO, NO! Not her mouse surgery job. Her REAL job. She can go get busy doing mouse surgery somewhere else. I can suck a newspaper into a snowblower just as well as she can. Step out of the way, bitch. The job is MINE.  Woo Woo! We are SO going to have fun during all of this, too.
Addendum 2015: Um, I did indeed get the Mouse Surgeon's job in 2014. I just wasn't specific enough--I got ONE of her previous jobs. Oops! Be specific, dang it. The Universe has a good sense of humor. I'm super happy to have this particular job, thank god. The Secret scores one.
I am debt free on or before January 31, 2008. All those bills are gone, gone, gone. And the best part is that I remain debt free. I love it. Money comes to us like water. The wife and I are in the money and it I love comes to us in a positive, healthy, fun way. I love being able to give my family some money, too, as they have been so supportive (monetarily and otherwise) over the years.
Addendum 2015: I am indeed debt free. I'm not sure if it was by the due date but it's been quite a while. I support many charities. I need to step it up in the family department, but other than that all I can say is Thank you, Universe. Thank you, me!

The wife and I will go on a cruise by 2009. The wife and I will love the stress-free, perfectly wonderful cruise we go on in the next year. Best part is not gaining any weight while on the cruise despite enjoying all the tasty tidbits on the trip. Chocolate. The chocolate is drippingly, sinfully, orgasmically delicious.
Addendum 2015: We did indeed go on a cruise. This Secret thing is starting to freak me out. We hadn't planned on a cruise--well, beyond me saying so here. We'd never even tried to plan on cruise. Better? It came to us. We were invited to go on a cruise by some friends--who don't read this blog, so it's not like they knew this was on my intention list. I spent a lot of time eating chocoate on that stress free trip.
You will all buy copies of my newly published book, on or before April 1, 2009. I'll autograph your copy.
Addendum 2015: A book was published. It wasn't specifically mine but it featured my drawings, so that's awesome and I did indeed autograph them. Close enough, Universe.
I LOVE that my cholesterol stays under 200. All that Dove Dark Chocolate is paying off.
 Addendum 2015: My cholesterol was under 200 during my last lab work. I don't think you realize how monumental this is. My cholesterol had been fighting me for years. 
Take that, you little blobs of LDL! I've got your number. LIterally and figuratively. 
I am so proud to stand next to my goddaugher as I serve as her sponsor this spring. It turned out to be no problem. Gotta love those Catholics.
 Addendum 2015: Seemed like a no-brainer.... but, one never knows, so it was important for me to put this out there and affirm the truth. Yup. Despite having a rough start to the process (thanks for nothing, Mr. Priest), I was able to be sponsor. Take that, Catholic church!
You keep reading my blog and doing the Hokey Pokey because you learned "The Secret" and were serious about it and understood that that's what it's all about.
 Addendum 2015: If you're reading this, I guess you are reading the blog. Yippee Secret Skippy! I hope you are hokeying and pokeying as then this entire blog came to frution. I best get on to the 2015 List of Truths.
....uh, I gotta go. I'm attracting a Fannie May Pixie to my life right now....

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