Thursday, September 21, 2006


I'm happy to report St. Joseph arrived via UPS at the home of Master Reiki and Blue Eyes as scheduled on Monday.....

He's a little guy--only a few inches tall--comes in a green box, complete with prayers and helpful hints. Featured to the left is the actual box, prayer and saint. 

I thought he'd be bigger, but after thinking about it, I guess it's good he's small--easier to bury. And, according to the directions, you don't HAVE to bury St. Joe upside-down, but I think I'd stick with all those Catholics who have gone with the head-down burial version. He's holding what I think is a loaf of bread and a jug of something (water? wine? whiskey?). He looks solemn but approachable. 

As you can see on the box, he can get that house SOLD (as illustrated by the "sold" sticker on the for sale sign). We took St. Joseph to dinner with us--me, the wife and Blue Eyes (Master Reiki is out of town). We loved the Asian food--didn't ask him what he thought.....

As for Jesus, HE IS RISEN! (I am SO going to hell for this, aren't I?) Life is good, the planets are in alignment, the saints are marching. Let's get that house sold!

1 comment:

    Never got St Joe statue
    Never got a returned phone call
    Never got a returned email
    Just took my money
