Wednesday of Vacation week found us in at COUNTRY THUNDER Twin Lakes, Wisconsin with Master Reiki and Blue Eyes. The crowd was HUGE, the drunks were plentiful, the rain held off until the middle of Keith Urban's set and cheese curds were enjoyed by all. Taking photos was a challenge, as we were waaaaaaaaay in the back of the lawn (closer to the cheese curds and port-o-potties, so that's all good). I took some photos of the "Jumbotron" to illustrate the day's activities. (Um, that's a photo of Lucy in her bikini--she would have worn this to the event had we let her come along for the day.) We enjoyed the music of Eric Church, Miranda Lambert, Carrie Underwood, Leann Rhimes and Keith Urban. Yeee haw! I've always wanted to see Leann Rhimes in concert, so that was a dream fulfilled. (This was time three for seeing Keith--I love him but refused to sit in the rain for him.) Carrie is a cutie patootie, complete with knee high boots (woof!) but her singing was a wee bit pitchy. Compare that to the perfection of Leann's ability to belt out a song and you know who's the experienced singer here. Of course, I did enjoy Carrie's rendition of "Sweet Child of Mine" by Guns and Roses (that's mixing it up at a country concert). Leann was not to be outdone and wowed the crowd of drunks by performing some Janis Joplin. The wife and Master Reiki purchased cowboy (cowgirl?) hats and were the hit of the lawn chair brigade. (I unfortunately only had my nerdy bucket hat from Disneyland...I decided to save my money for a Gay Games t-shirt tomorrow.) It looked like it was going to pour all day long, but that saved us from a third degree sunburn and from melting due to heat. I did partake in the eating of a delicious-albiet-greasy funnel cake (definitely NOT on my low cholesterol diet but the pickings are slim at a country concert for vegetarians like me--those cowboys like their BEEF!).
The most interesting part of the day was the ride home. Something was definitely wrong with the windshield. I blamed the wife for the cleaning products she uses on my windows, the wife blamed my windshield wipers and Blue Eyes thought it was the wax residue from going through the carwash. Whatever the cause, we could NOT see out the windshield. Defrosters, wipers, cleaning fluid, swearing, heaters---NOTHING worked. It was sheer terror for the 1.5 hour ride (it usually would have only taken an hour, but when you can't see out the window, you tend to drive slower). I think the wife was mighty happy to be home, as she was pretty terrified during the ride. We made it home with time to spare before the giant thunderstorms came rumbling through town. (Those in tents at Country Thunder probably had a really long night--nothing like being drunk and in a tent during a hail storm!) The wife says she'd go again next year, as long as we got a hotel and then went shopping at the mall the next day.
As for the vacation week, we forgot to go golfing on Tuesday morning (how that happened, I don't know) and we are supposed to go the the Gay Games in Chicago today and tomorrow, weather pending. Until then, we'll sing some country music, the wife will parade around in her new cowboy hat and we'll clean the windshield. Yeee haw!!!
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