Photo Day in the AddiverseLest you think I'm getting too maudlin in my old age, here's some photos from the Addiverse:
Lucy waits for her ball--which is in the dishwasher--as it is so full of puppy saliva that it had to be taken away for awhile. Notice how morose she looks. If we shut the dishwasher, she cries. When we finally run the dishwasher (after it fills up with dirty dishes...and, as you can see, it's gonna be awhile), she lays right by the dishwasher and waits for her prized possesion...

Yuck-ah! Here I am, peeking out of the yuccas. The wife hates them. I love them. They bloom right in time for my birthday, they look like little bells and they have a great name (YUCK-ah!). Every year we argue about these diddies....the wife wants them gone and I whine about how much I love the. Looks like I'm "winning" for the time being...

Ah, the naughty squirrel that keeps eating the wife's bird bell. You'll have to look closely--yes, that's a squirrel hanging upside down, using it's tail to hang on for dear life while it eats the bird seeds. It's enough to drive the wife to drink. I had a hard time taking a picture of it, due to the deck but I think you get the right idea. While I was sitting at the kitchen table (preparing to take the photo), another squirrel literally ran UP the screen of the sliding doors and then jumped on the roof. I think the wife thought I was crazy until she saw the squirrel run DOWN the screen door. I swear we only have two squirrels in the entire neighborhood and they hang out at our house....

Here's Freckles Warrior Princess with her birthday squeaky, thanks to the very generous friends Blue Eyes and Master Reiki. She is usually constantly squeaking it, but at this point she is just guarding it from Lucy. Maybe she got tired. Maybe it got too drooly. Most likely, she just doesn't want Lucy to have it.

Somehow, Lucy also got a birthday squeaky the same day FWP got her birthday squeaky, even though Lucy's birthday is not until July 27 (well, I suppose it should be called a whelp-day present). She, too is guarding hers--but she is guarding hers from the evil Freckles. Notice the classic underbite. At least her tongue's not hanging out.
Well, none of this is very profound but it does make me laugh and I haven't had enough photos of the dogs lately. Sometimes, we should just screw the whole profound things as laugh a whole lot more....
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