For those of you wondering, Lucy and Freckles are STILL fighting over the same dang hedgehog, while the lonely twin sits in the doggy toy basket. See the previous hedgehog post for full details. Note the photo--Lucy has the hedgehog, while Freckles looks rather irritated that she does not have the hedgehog.....
Lucy suffers no fools when it comes to the hog. She won't put the hedgehog down, lest Frecks come and steal it away. In fact, she even takes a nap on me while holding the hedgehog in her mouth. The hedgehog goes everywhere Lucy goes:
potty, to the water dish, to the car, on the couch, under the table, to bed, to the dinner plate. There is NO WAY Lucy is going to let her big sister have one milli-second with the hedghog. Freckles stares at Lucy, which makes Lucy cry and whine and make these ridiculous sounds....but, she doesn't let go of the hog.
Here's a photo of Lucy sticking her tongue out at Freckles, saying "Ha ha, you can't have the hedge-hog!" while Freckles turns away in disgust.
All Freckles can say is, "I need therapy!"
All I can say is, "what the hell is wrong with the OTHER hedge hog?"
Another mystery in the Addiverse.
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